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词汇 牢牢
例句 The language patterns were thoroughly drilled in.通过反复操练,这些句型被牢牢掌握了。He held tight to the rope.牢牢抓住绳子。The gates were secured by a heavy chain and a padlock.大门都用沉重的链条和挂锁牢牢锁着。Everything was lashed down securely so that it wouldn't blow away.每样东西都已牢牢捆紧,不会被吹走。Give it a gentle tap, then hammer it until it is firmly embedded.先轻轻敲一下,然后用榔头敲打,直到它牢牢嵌进去。He tugged harder, but it was caught fast.他加大力气拉,但它还是牢牢卡住。She has a firm grasp of the basic principles.牢牢把握住几个基本原则。The telegraph-poles are fast in the ground.电线杆牢牢扎在地里。Keep a secure grip on the rope at all times.任何时候都要牢牢抓住绳子。He has a firm grasp of the principles.牢牢掌握了这些原则。The anchor held in the rough sea.铁锚在汹涌的波涛中牢牢吃住不动。The chair was jammed right up against the door.这把椅子牢牢卡在了门上。Nancy leapt out and made the boat fast to a post.南希跳了出来,然后把小艇牢牢系在桩上。The best way to treat such bleeding is to apply firm pressure.治疗这种流血的最好方法就是牢牢将伤口压住。Small particles adhere to the seed.小颗粒牢牢附着在种子上。He has given up political power, but he remains securely in control of the army.他放弃了政治权力,但仍然牢牢掌握着军队的控制权。Secure the anchor by lashing it to the rail.把锚牢牢系在船的护栏上。Her feet were squarely planted.她的双脚牢牢站在地上。The book appeared to have riveted the man for hours.这本书似乎牢牢吸引住了这个人,他一连看了好几个小时。The door was built of oak, heavily reinforced with iron.这道门用橡木制成,用铁牢牢加固。The man knotted some sheets together to climb down to the next floor.这个人将几条床单牢牢系在一起,顺床单爬到了下一层。I got a good grip on the door handle and pulled.牢牢抓住把手拉门。The technical superiority of laser discs over tape is well established.激光影碟相对于磁带的技术优势早已牢牢确立。The fossils lie embedded in a matrix of shale and sandstone.化石牢牢嵌在页岩与砂岩形成的脉石中。Our teacher drilled the lesson into our heads.老师通过反复练习使我们牢牢掌握课文。Her hold on power was now quite tenuous.她不再能牢牢掌握手中的权力。She had twisted her hair into a tight knot.她把头发牢牢地盘成一个发髻。His firm grasp held the rope from slipping.牢牢抓住绳子不使滑脱。The incident was indelibly printed in her memory.这件事牢牢铭刻在她的记忆中。A toddler requires close supervision and firm control at all times.刚学步的孩子时刻需要寸步不离的照看,并要牢牢看紧。The country is now firmly back in the international fold.现在这个国家已再次牢牢立身于国际大家庭中。The President has positioned himself firmly at the nation's helm.总统已牢牢执掌了国家大权。The luggage was secured tightly to the top of the car.行李牢牢捆在车顶上了。He held hard on to the rope.牢牢抓著绳子。




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