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词汇 牢骚
例句 What's your beef this time?这次你的牢骚是什么? He became increasingly dissatisfied and querulous in his old age.到了晚年,他愈感不满,牢骚不断。Such complaints are nothing more than sour grapes.这样的牢骚不过是吃不着葡萄说葡萄酸罢了。Here we go again - moan, moan, moan!又来了——牢骚牢骚牢骚His numerous complaints are all variations on a theme.他满腹的牢骚说来道去都是一件事。I'm sick and tired of listening to you complain.我已经听腻了你的牢骚Michael groaned and readjusted his shorts.迈克尔一边发着牢骚一边整了整自己的短裤。I think you have several saved-up grievances.我看你心里积了好些牢骚Your complaining makes me sick.你的牢骚真令我反胃。What's his latest bitch?他最近发了什么牢骚Stop grumbling, you old misery.别抱怨了,你这个老牢骚包。I'm sick of listening to all their moans and gripes.我听厌了他们的抱怨和牢骚There's been a lot of grumbling among the employees.员工中一直有不少牢骚Soon, the grumblings turned to open discontent.不久,这些牢骚就成了公开的不满。He wouldn't listen to my beef against his subordinates.他不愿听我对他下属所发的牢骚The convention is expected to be the sounding board for bitter recriminations.这次大会预计将成为人们发泄牢骚和怨言的讲坛。Managers were presented with a long list of grievances.经理们面临着一大堆的牢骚不满。He's a chronic complainer. 他总是牢骚不断。I'm tired of listening to your complaints, so just put a lid on it! 我听够了你的牢骚,闭嘴吧!I'm tired of listening to his bellyaching.我听烦了他没完没了的牢骚We made a bit of a fuss in a roundabout way.我们拐弯抹角地发了点牢骚They're all a bunch of whiners.他们全是牢骚鬼。I don't want to hear any more complaints. I've got enough problems as it is.我不想听到更多的牢骚,我已经有太多的问题了。They have been listening to people's gripes, moans and praise.他们一直在倾听人们的牢骚、抱怨和表扬。There have been murmurings of discontent over the government's policy on inflation.人们都在暗地里发着牢骚,表达对政府应对通胀政策的不满。They've got the usual moans and groans like everybody else.跟其他所有人一样,他们也有抱怨牢骚I'm fed up to the gills with his whining!我简直受够了他的牢骚I'm sure she'll be bagged as another whining whinger.我肯定她会遭到嘲笑,被看成又一个哼哼唧唧的牢骚虫。We've been hearing mutterings from some employees about the changes in the pension plan.我们听到一些雇员对养老金计划改变的牢骚For some time there have been murmurings of discontent over the government policy on inflation.一段时间以来,人们都在暗地里发着牢骚,表达对政府应对通货膨胀政策的不满。Don't invite her. She's such a misery!别邀请她,她这人牢骚太多!His main grouse is over the inadequacy of the pay.他主要的牢骚是嫌工资太少。




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