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词汇 interests
例句 Davies has managed to pursue his diverse interests in parallel with his fast-moving career.戴维斯在事业突飞猛进的同时并未放弃自己广泛的兴趣爱好。I shall continue to act in their best interests but if that means nuking the enemy, then I'll not do it.我将继续尽力维护他们的利益,但是如果那意味着对敌人使用核武器,那我就不干。Business interests are incompatible with public office.公职与商业利益是互不相容的。These countries lost/ceded the moral high ground when they entered the war to protect their economic interests.当这些国家为保护自身经济利益而参战时,他们就丧失了道义上的制高点。Only those with vested interests in the current system could ignore the need for change.只有那些在当前的体制中有既得利益的人才会忽略改革的必要性。There may be a place where their interests dovetail.也许可以找到他们双方利益的切合点。Farming interests now dominate many of the National Park committees.农场经营利益集团现在支配着许多国家公园委员会。Speaking professionally, I don't think it's in your interests.从专业上讲,我认为这不符合你的利益。Perhaps the opposed parties will lay aside their sectional interests and rise to this challenge.也许各反对党会撇开派系利益,迎接这一挑战。They are unwilling to offend powerful sectorial interests.他们不愿意触犯强大的部门利益。The interests he is most likely to enjoy will be those which enable him to show off himself or his talents.他最有可能感兴趣的就是那些能让他表现自己或炫耀才华的事情。Her academic interests span a wide variety of topics.她的学术兴趣广泛。Their interests were mutually incompatible.他们之间有利益冲突。The meeting focused on the companies' convergent interests.这次会议关注各公司的共同利益。Selfish interests don't weigh with him at all.他根本不把私利放在心上。The conclusion of this agreement is in the interests of both sides.签订这份合同对双方都有好处。We want the best for each individual child with due regard for the interests of the other children.我们要满足每一个孩子的最大需求,也要照顾到其他孩子的利益。We work for our common interests.我们为共同的利益而工作。We are all acting in the best interests of the children.我们都是为了孩子的最大利益在做事。Her other business interests include a theme park in Scandinavia and hotels in the West Country.她其他的公司股权包括斯堪的纳维亚的一个主题游乐园和英格兰西南部的几家酒店。The associations allow professionals to band together to further their interests.协会可以使专业人员团结起来发展自己的兴趣。The management of local affairs should dovetail regional interests with those of the country as a whole.管理地方事务时应该协调地区利益与国家整体利益。Gardening is one of her very many interests.园艺是她众多兴趣中的一个。During a war the interests of the state are paramount, and those of the individual come last.战争时期国家利益是首要的,个人利益置于最后。The mayor had been aiming to quietly turn over control of the city's water to private business interests.市长一直想悄悄地把本市的自来水控制权交给私营企业。He wanted time to pursue his many and varied musical interests.他希望有时间从事自己丰富多彩的音乐爱好。This policy serves the interests of the United States.这一政策为美国的利益服务。This law is opposed by the oil interests.这一法律遭到石油企业团体的反对。The special interests in the oil industry would like to block this legislation.石油产业的特殊利益组织想要阻止这项立法。The judge held that the child's interests in this case must come first.法官认为,该案必须首先考虑那孩子的利益。His business interests are spread throughout Europe.他的公司股份遍及欧洲。The new economic policies were in the best interests of the nation at large.新的经济政策符合国家的整体利益。We refuse to sign any treaty that is against our national interests.我们拒绝签署任何违反本国利益的条约。It's important we dovetail our respective interests.重要的是要符合我们各方的利益。This country's interests diverge considerably from those of other countries.该国的利益同其他国家的很不一样。We shall never mortgage our independence to anyone, for the sake of any material interests.我们决不会为了物质利益而向任何人出卖独立。It is in his best interests as well as yours.这既符合你们的最大利益,也符合他的最大利益。Her interests might conflict with those of her principals.她的利益可能和她的代理人的利益相冲突。They have convergent interests and consonant voices on a wide range of policy issues.他们在许多政策问题上志同道合、意见一致。The folk-song world was another of his abiding interests.民歌是他的另一个始终不渝的爱好。




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