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词汇 around
例句 He had an irritating habit of singing tunelessly around the house.他有个恼人的习惯,老在屋子里不成调地唱歌。George thinks the world revolves around him.乔治认为全世界的人都围着他转。Some people were lookers, and they just wanted to get in to be able to look around, but they were not bona fide buyers.有些人只是观望者,他们只想进去转转看,并非真心实意的买主。Instead of sitting around feeling sorry for yourself, go out and socialize.与其坐在这里自我怜悯,不如走出去适应社会。Books and magazines lying around make the place very untidy.这个地方到处都是图书杂志,显得非常凌乱。The track, which was contoured around the side of hills, was quite difficult at times.这条环山小径有的地方很难走。His gaze travelled around the room.他环视了一下房间。Mike was charging around all day trying to get things organized.迈克整天东奔西跑,想把事情安排妥当。The brothers usually roll into their studio around midday.兄弟几个总是要到正午前后才姗姗来到工作室。We went all around the lake enjoying the different views.我们绕着湖行走,欣赏不同的景色。He hooked his arm around my neck.他用胳膊箍住了我的脖子。Thailand exports its fine rices around the world.泰国将精米出口到世界各地。He swung around to look at the clock.他突然转身看时钟。I don't sleep around.我不随便跟别人上床。The storm put paid to his attempt to sail around the world.暴风雨使他打消了环球航行的念头。He spun around to face her.他转过身来面对着她。Ellianne wrapped the shawl around her shoulders.埃莉安在肩上披了条披肩。I was early for the meeting, so I walked around the block a couple of times.我参加会议来早了,所以绕着这个街区走了几圈。Everyone has the right to smoke if they wish, but not the right to ruin the health of those around them.每个人只要自己愿意都有抽烟的权利,但是无权损害周围的人的身体健康。All around the room, computers whirred and buzzed.房间里的计算机都在嗡嗡作响。There were two helicopters circling around.有两架直升机在空中盘旋。The authorities tightened security around the embassy.当局加强了大使馆周围的安全防卫措施。Why are all those clothes lying around on the floor?为什么所有那些衣服都放在地上?We walked all the way around the museum looking for the way in.我们绕着博物馆走了一整圈,寻找入口。!He pulled his stuffed animals around in a little red wagon.他用一辆红色玩具车拉着他那些毛绒动物玩具四处转悠。The photograph showed a man lying prone on the pavement, a puddle of blood around his head.这张照片上一名男子趴在人行道上,头部周围有一滩血。There's a huge crowd of people milling around in front of the theater.一大群人在剧院门前转来转去。He gazed once more around the room, wherein were assembled his entire family.他再一次环视房间,他全家人都在那里。He grabbed her around the neck and choked her to death.他抓住她的脖子,把她掐死了。He has just put up a paling around the house.他刚在房子周围筑起了木栅栏。I don't want you poking around in my personal life.我希望你不要打探我的私生活。He seems to be so blinkered that he cannot see what is happening around him.他似乎过于目光偏狭,所以看不到自己周围发生的事。Louisa was dancing, her skirt flying out and coiling around her feet.路易莎翩翩起舞,裙摆时而肆意飞扬,时而盘绕脚边。He no longer needs to go around disguised in a wig.他不必再戴着假发化了装才能出去走动。He wrapped his arms around her.他用双臂搂住了她。I'd like to have a dig around in the archives and see if I come up with anything.我想去查查档案,看能否有所收获。There were impressions around her ankles made by the tops of her socks.她的脚踝周围有袜口留下的勒痕。A man pretending to be a faith healer has conned around £20,000 out of desperate sick people.一个假冒信仰治疗师的男子从患绝症的病人那里骗走了约两万英镑。Stop beating around the bush and tell me the truth.别拐弯抹角了,告诉我真相。The noise was ear-splitting as grenades landed all around us.手榴弹落在我们身边,那声音震耳欲聋。




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