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词汇 surrogate
例句 He used the Internet as a surrogate for contact with real people.他用因特网替代了与真人的交流接触。They had their baby through a surrogate.他们通过代孕母亲生了一个孩子。Leningrad was the third alien city to offer him a surrogate home.列宁格勒是他在异地安家的第三个外国城市。Arms control should not be made into a surrogate for peace.武器控制不应该用来替代和平。Uncle Paul has become a surrogate father to me.对我来说,保罗叔叔已经成了父亲的替身。Bright-light therapy is used as a surrogate for sunshine.强光疗法用于替代太阳光。He could not attend the meeting, so he sent his surrogate.他不能出席会议,于是派了其他人代替。Martin had become Howard Cosell's surrogate son.马丁代为当起了霍华德·科塞尔的儿子。The cat acted as a surrogate mum to the chicks.这只猫当起了小鸡的代理妈妈。Elena's brother was a surrogate father to her kids after her husband died.自从埃琳娜的丈夫死后,她的哥哥就担当了孩子们的父亲。The embryo is implanted in the surrogate mother's womb.胚胎被移植到代孕母亲的子宫中。Because she had no children of her own, her friend's son became a kind of surrogate child to her.因为她自己没有孩子,所以她就把朋友的儿子当成了自己的孩子。Couples who cannot have children on their own often resort to using the services of surrogate mothers.自己无法生育的夫妻常会寻找代孕妈妈。John Brown was the latest in a series of surrogate father figures in Victoria's life.在一系列曾在女王维多利亚的一生中扮演过代理父亲角色的人物中,约翰·布朗是最近的一位。She considered them her surrogate family.她把他们当成自己的亲人。




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