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词汇 surrender
例句 They called on the rebels to lay down their arms and surrender.他们呼吁叛军放下武器投降。They would have refused to make peace on any terms other than unconditional surrender.除非无条件投降,否则他们就会拒绝讲和。They were warned that if the rebels did not surrender, severe reprisals would follow.他们受到警告,如果叛乱者们不投降,严厉的报复将随之而来。They were besieged for six months but refused to surrender.虽然他们被围困了六个月,但是还是拒绝投降。They reaffirmed their intention not to surrender.他们再次声明不打算投降。They had to surrender when the ammunition was done.弹药用尽了,他们不得不投降。The inhabitants, seized with terror, offered to surrender at discretion.胆战心惊的居民表示愿意无条件投降。Death was considered vastly preferable to surrender.宁可死也不投降。You must agree to hold him, pending your surrender.你们必须同意把他拘禁起来,直到你们投降。The idea that the enemy will immediately surrender is nothing more than wishful thinking.认为敌人会立刻投降只是一厢情愿的想法。We must stand fast and not surrender!我们必须坚守阵地,决不投降!They had raised the white flag in surrender.他们举白旗投降了。The villagers were starved into surrender.村民们饥饿难忍,只好投降。He'll surrender if push comes to shove.在迫不得已的时候,他会投降的。The allied commander demanded their immediate and unconditional surrender.盟军指挥官要求他们立刻无条件投降。The rebels are on the point of surrender.叛军很快就要投降了。Their surrender was formalized in a treaty.他们签署条约正式投降。He was ordered to surrender his gun.他被命令交出他的枪。He said he would call out the state militia if the rebels did not surrender.他说如果反叛分子拒不投降,他就要出动州国民自卫队。Don't shoot. I surrender.别开枪,我投降。After less than two years of war they would be starved into surrender.打不了两年的仗,他们就会受不了饥饿缴枪投降。The rebels are emphatic that this is not a surrender.反叛者坚称这不是投降。They were ordered to surrender their weapons to the police.他们被勒令将武器交给警方。He refused to surrender to despair.他拒绝向绝望低头。The United States would never surrender this territory.美国永远不会将这片领土拱手相让。The troops were forced to surrender the fort.部队被迫放弃了要塞。The rebels were offered easy terms of surrender.叛军得到了优厚的投降条件。Enemy troops defiled the universally accepted white flag of surrender by opening fire.敌军向举白旗投降的士兵开火,破坏了这一公认的战争惯例。The leader of the revolt made an unconditional surrender early this morning.今天上午早些时候,叛军首领无条件投降了。The Milanese were starving, and forced into surrender.米兰市民在挨饿,他们被迫投降。Which do they want me to do? declare war or surrender?.他们想让我做什么,宣战还是投降?The government will outlaw the rebels unless they surrender immediately.除非反叛分子立即投降,否则政府将宣布他们为不法之徒。The commander defied a direct order to surrender.指挥官不服从直接的投降命令。He raised his hands in mock surrender.他举起双手假装投降。They tried to starve us into surrender.他们试图以饥饿迫使我们投降。The officers and crew would sooner sink the ship than surrender.全船官兵宁可沉船,决不投降。The general said he would fight on until the enemy agreed to an unconditional surrender.将军说他会继续打下去,直到敌人无条件投降为止。It wasn't military action but rampant disease that finally caused the population to surrender.不是军事行动,而是肆虐的疾病使居民投降。The surrender of the soldiers saved themselves from being killed.士兵们的投降使他们免遭杀戮。The leader of the revolt made an unconditional surrender early this morning.今天上午早些时候,反叛的首领无条件投降。




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