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词汇 surprising
例句 It's hardly surprising his ideas didn't catch on.他的想法没有被广泛接受,这并不足为奇。It's surprising that a girl as attractive as Sarah is going out with someone so ordinary looking.像萨拉这么漂亮的女孩子,竟然会和这么相貌平平的人谈恋爱,真出人意料。It is surprising how many survived.有这么多人幸存下来,真是令人惊奇。His current support of the plan is surprising in view of his earlier opposition.考虑到他先前对这一计划的反对,他现在的支持态度让人感到意外。One cannot help being struck by a surprising omission.所有人不由得因为一处出人意料的遗漏而感到震惊。It's hardly surprising that people should be suspicious of politicians' promises.人们对政治家的承诺表示怀疑,这一点都不让人吃惊。No one, I imagine, finds those figures in the least surprising.我认为,没人会觉得那些数字有半点意外。It would be surprising if the Mafia had not muscled in.黑手党如果不干涉的话还真是件怪事。It's not surprising that young rock bands let success go to their heads.初出茅庐的摇滚乐队让成功冲昏了头脑是不足为奇的。She was insightful and observant, constantly surprising her parents by what she noticed.她悟性强,观察敏锐,她所注意到的常常让父母感到惊讶。Madeira has an ideal climate, and so it is not surprising that it has become a tourist paradise.马德拉岛气候宜人,因此它成了游客的天堂不足为怪。The findings are not surprising, given the facts:...考虑到⋯的事实,结果并不令人惊讶。The changes to the campus were surprising.校园里的变化令人惊讶。That news is hardly surprising.那消息并不令人吃惊。She'd mentioned it casually once, surprising him by her unconcern.她曾随口提到过,当时她的冷漠很让他吃惊。With surprising agility, Karl darted across the road.卡尔冲过马路,动作出奇地敏捷。The candidate made surprising inroads in Florida.那位候选人出人意料地在佛罗里达州频频得手。Events took a surprising turn.事情出现了令人惊讶的变化。The movie has a surprising depth of emotion for a comedy.作为喜剧,这部电影的感情深度出乎意料。A surprising number of ailments are caused by unsuspected environmental factors.有大量疾病是由不明环境因素造成的。It's surprising how many different varieties of pasta there are.有那么多不同种类的面食,真是令人惊讶。It's not surprising that he said no.他说不,这并不令人吃惊。The story weaves together the past and present in surprising ways.故事出人意料地将过去和现在编织在一起。It is not surprising they did so badly in last year's elections.他们在去年选举中如此糟糕的表现并不奇怪。Going shopping with a baby requires a surprising amount of physical effort.带着孩子去购物需要有过人的体力。It's surprising that he would lend his name to such a venture. 令人吃惊的是,他愿意以个人名义支持这样一个有风险的企业。Today, spruced-up Times Square is in the midst of a surprising transformation into a family-oriented entertainment center.如今,粉饰一新的时代广场正在发生令人称奇的改变,变成面向家庭的娱乐中心。The experiment uncovered surprising and anomalous results.这次实验得出的结果令人意外,十分反常。The virulence of the protest was surprising.这次抗议行动来势之猛令人惊讶。It's surprising how much milk the bread sops up.这块面包能吸收那么多牛奶,太出人意料了。The survey found/revealed some surprising tendencies among the population.民意调查发现民众中有些令人惊讶的趋势。This small radiator puts out a surprising amount of heat.这台小小的散热器释放出惊人的热量。Now she's frightened to go out at night, which is hardly surprising after what happened to her.现在她害怕夜里外出,发生了那件事之后,也难怪她会这样。They accepted their new burdens with surprising goodwill.没有料到他们竟欣然肩负起新的重担。The novel shows a surprising poverty of imagination.这部小说惊人地缺乏想象力。Her certainty about these complex moral issues is surprising.她对这些复杂的道德问题这么有把握,真令人吃惊。Over the last week, we have witnessed a surprising uptick of our stock price.过去一个星期,我们发现我们的股价有令人惊奇的回升。But it is hardly surprising that bosses are unwilling to prejudice their companies' chance of wielding influence in Washington.但是老板们不愿破坏他们公司在华盛顿施加影响的机会,这是不足为奇的。He jumped over the wall with surprising agility.他以惊人的敏捷身手跃过了墙。The agency flushed out a surprising number of tax evaders.调查机构揪出了数量惊人的逃税者。




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