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词汇 surprisingly
例句 My grandmother has a surprisingly modern perspective on life.我的祖母对于生活有种出人意料的时髦观点。This disease is surprisingly difficult to catch as most people have a natural resistance to it.由于多数人对这种病具有天然免疫力,所以发病率低得出奇。It was a bad crash, but surprisingly there were no fatalities.这是一起严重的相撞事故,但却意外地无一死亡。Our field of vision is surprisingly wide.我们的视野出人意料地开阔。The vegetables tasted surprisingly good.这些蔬菜味道出奇地好。Buying my new car was a surprisingly painless experience.我买新车的过程出人意料地顺利。The event went surprisingly well, considering the bad weather.考虑到糟糕的天气,这次活动可以说办得出人意料的好。Boren surprisingly led off the most intensive line of questioning today.博伦今天出人意料地一上来就开始连珠炮似地盘问起来。We sampled the soup and found the flavour surprisingly delicate.我们尝了一下汤,发现味道出乎意料地鲜美。She was small but surprisingly strong.她个头小,但力气大得惊人。It's a small house, but the garden is surprisingly large.这是一幢小房子,但花园大得出奇。These discoveries were made at a surprisingly early date.这些发现早得出奇。Considering his age, his body is surprisingly sound.考虑到他的年龄,他的身体异常健康。The company's directors have been surprisingly up front about their financial problems.公司的董事对于他们的财务问题出人意料地坦率。A surprisingly long time had elapsed between the discovery of the body and the arrival of the police.从发现尸体到警察到场,这中间过去了很长一段时间。They passed through surprisingly lush but uncultivated land.他们经过草木异常葱翠但撂荒的土地。Marguerite took my hand in a surprisingly strong grip.玛格丽特格外用力地抓住我的手。The experiments show a surprisingly wide range of results.这些实验显现了大量不同的结果,令人惊讶。The white feathers looked surprisingly bright.那些白色的羽毛看上去出奇地亮。She reacted surprisingly calmly to the news of his death.听到他的死讯,她的反应出奇地平静。The beaches here are surprisingly uncrowded.出人意料的是这儿的海滩人不多。The handwriting was surprisingly neat.字写得出奇地工整。We went into the negotiations blind and, not surprisingly, the other side ran rings around us.我们没怎么准备就参与谈判,结果对方完全压过我们也就不足为奇了。The liquor tastes surprisingly sweet and smooth.这种酒口感出奇地甘甜润滑。I was feeling surprisingly cheerful.我感到出乎意料的高兴。The Swiss franc has remained surprisingly strong.瑞士法郎一直出人意料地保持着坚挺。For a priest he was surprisingly worldly.作为牧师,他的世故令人吃惊。Italy versus Japan is turning out to be a surprisingly well matched competition.在意大利队对日本队的比赛中,双方竟出人意料地势均力敌。This negative attitude is surprisingly prevalent among young boys.奇怪的是,这种消极的态度在男孩子中很盛行。Not surprisingly, she was very annoyed when he didn't turn up.没有什么好奇怪的,他没有赴约,她当然会很生气。The beef ate surprisingly tender.那牛肉吃上去嫩极了。The location is surprisingly convenient.想不到这个地方居然这么近便。The picture is surprisingly sharp and clear.这张图片格外清晰。Graham was surprisingly frank about his feelings.格雷厄姆对于自己的感受坦率得令人吃惊。Mary was surprisingly tolerant of his annoying habits.玛丽对他恼人的习惯出奇地宽容。The journey was surprisingly hassle-free.这次旅行出人意料地没有遇到什么麻烦。Ben was constantly away from home on business and, not surprisingly, their relationship suffered.本总是出差在外,因此他们的关系恶化就不足为奇了。Not surprisingly, people who took amphetamines found it hard to sleep.服用安非他明的人都觉得难以入睡,这一点儿也不奇怪。She earns a surprisingly low salary.她的薪水出奇的低。The food was surprisingly good.饭菜奇好。




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