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词汇 surround
例句 In the main bedroom, hangings of unbleached muslin surround the large teak bed.主卧室里,原色的平纹细布帷幔装饰着柚木大床。Concrete barriers surround the racetrack to protect spectators.跑道周围设立了混凝土障碍物,以保护观众。Police officers moved to surround Evans as he came out of the courtroom.埃文斯从法庭出来,警察上前围护着他。The American Coast Guard dispatched 6 cutters in one swoop to surround the pirate ship.美国海岸巡防队一口气派出了六艘巡逻艇将海盗船团团围住。A county usually consists of several towns and the rural areas that surround them.郡通常由几个镇及其周围的乡村地区组成。Our bathtub has a tiled surround.我们的浴缸周围铺了瓷砖。Can you name the states that surround Colorado?你能说出科罗拉多州周围各州的名称吗?Silence and secrecy surround the murder.沉默和隐秘围绕着这桩谋杀案。In the private sector there are clear parameters which surround labour relations.私营机构里对于劳资关系有明确的规定。They surround themselves with luxuries. 他们拥有许多奢侈品。Trees surround our house.我们房子的四周都是树。The area is extremely isolated because of the hills that surround it.这个地区被群山环抱,因此与外面隔绝。How can one ever separate out the act from the attitudes that surround it?一个人的行为及与其息息相关的态度怎么能区分得开呢?He had made it his business to surround himself with a hand-picked group of bright young officers.他总会亲手挑选一批聪明而年轻的军官常伴他左右。Its rings were discovered by telescope from Earth, but space probes later found that spectacular rings surround some other planets.它的圆环是从地球上用望远镜发现的,但是太空探测器后来又发现了围绕其他一些星球的壮观的圆环。Snow-capped mountains surround the city.山顶为积雪覆盖的群山环绕着这座城市。




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