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词汇 incident
例句 The incident raised concerns about the safety and security of nuclear weapons being transported through Europe.这起事件使人们关注到经欧洲运输的核武器的安全和保安问题。His resolve hardened in the face of further denials of the incident on the part of the management.面对资方进一步否认这个事件,他更加坚定了决心。The incident became part of our collective memory.这一事件成为我们共同回忆的一部分。The suspects were arrested without incident. 没费任何周折那些嫌疑犯就被逮捕了。The incident led to the disruption of their partnership.那次事件导致他们散伙。She and her friends wanted to go public with their version of the incident.她和朋友们想把他们看到的事情经过公之于众。This incident might bring them into the war.这一事件有可能把他们卷入战争。The royal party was on a shoot when the incident occurred.事件发生时,王室成员正在打猎。The report notes the incident only in passing.报道对这个事件只是一带而过。The incident has triggered fresh arguments about the role of the extreme right in France.这一事件在法国引发了关于极右翼势力角色的新辩论。They're trying to build up a detailed picture of the incident.他们正尽力建构出事件的详细情况。His research into the incident has left him uncertain as to exactly where responsibility lay.对该事件作了调查研究后,他无法确定究竟是谁的责任。The incident was filmed on CCTV security video footage.事件被录在了闭路电视监视器的胶片上。The incident led to tense international relations.这一事件导致国际关系紧张。Officials were unable to carry out an inspection for two months after the incident.事件发生后的两个月里,官员们都未能展开调查。We had no knowledge of the incident.我们对这起事件一点也不了解。This incident has soured relations between the two countries.这一事件导致两国关系恶化。The memory of the incident stayed with him for a long time.他对那场事故久久不能忘怀。When questioned about the alleged incident, he claimed to know nothing.当被问及这件被指控的事时,他声称什么都不知道。The first few meetings passed without incident.最初的几次会议风平浪静。The incident punctured his pride.这一事件损伤了他的自尊心。There is some resemblance between the accounts of the incident.这一事件的不同记述中,有某些相似之处。He used the incident as a peg to hang his theory on.他用这一事件证明自己的理论。She was almost beside herself at the hanging incident.她见到那个吊死人的场面吓得几乎发疯。It was a regrettable incident but I now consider the matter closed.这件事很遗憾,但是我现在不想谈了。A policeman was gravely injured in the incident.一名警察在这次事故中受伤很严重。The government whitewashed their part in the incident.政府掩盖了自己在该事件中所扮演的角色。Colin was visibly distressed by the incident.科林显然为此事件感到难过。The incident was the latest in a string of attacks.这是一连串袭击事件中最近的一起。It became very clear that the incident was not just an aberration, it was not just a single incident.事实已经很清楚,这件事不是偶发的,它并不是一起孤立的事件。The incident was reported to the prison governor.这一事件已汇报给监狱长。We didn't let the incident spoil our day.我们没有让这件事破坏我们一整天的气氛。The voting went ahead without incident.投票风平浪静地进行下去。He is fully aware of the risks incident to the life of a racing driver.他完全了解伴随赛车生涯而来的风险。The incident was captured on videotape.事件被拍成了录像。No one referred to the incident.没有人提及这件事。The incident led to the ruin of their relationship.这件事使他们关系破裂。Are you saying that she's trying to blot out all memory of the incident?.你是说她想彻底忘掉这件事?It was this incident that opened my eyes to her true character.正是这件事让我看清了她的真实性格。He resolved never to tell anyone about the incident.他决定永远不跟任何人谈这件事。




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