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词汇 Portland
例句 He was the associate pastor at a church in Portland.他是波特兰某教会的副牧师。Portland has so many theaters to choose from.波特兰有许多剧院可以选择。The Washougal empties into the Columbia River near Portland.沃舒格尔河在波特兰附近注入哥伦比亚河。The Washougal empties into the Columbia River near Portland.沃舒格尔河汇入波特兰附近的哥伦比亚河。We rode the train from San Diego to Portland.我们从圣地亚哥坐火车到波特兰。The Rockets snapped a seven-game losing streak by beating Portland.火箭队击败波特兰队,结束了连输七场的霉运。She lives someplace up near Portland, and I haven't seen her for years.她住在波特兰附近的某个地方,我几年没见过她了。A significant exhibition of contemporary sculpture will be on view at the Portland Gallery.一场关于当代雕塑的重要展览即将在波特兰美术馆开展。We finally docked in Portland, Maine, happy to be on dry land again.我们终于在缅因州的波特兰靠岸,真高兴又回到了陆地上。Joyce has a comfortable apartment in Portland.乔伊丝在波特兰有一套舒适的公寓。Portland is a sprawling city on the banks of the Willamette River.波特兰是一座布局凌乱的城市,位于威拉米特河的两岸。




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