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例句 A book can be identified by characteristics other than a name—a color or a shape, for example.书可以通过除了名字以外的其他特征标志,如颜色或者形状查找。An eyewitness identified him as the shooter.一位目击者认出他就是那个枪手。No clear direction in policy can be identified.政策中不见明确的方向。They identified a number of problem areas.他们发现了一些有问题的区域。Sara identified the man as Kang, a notorious gang leader and drug baron.萨拉认出那人是康—一名臭名昭著的匪首和大毒桌。A bacterium was identified as the cause for his duodenal ulcer.一种细菌被断定为造成他十二指肠溃疡的根源。The instigators of the disturbance have not yet been identified.目前还没有确定这起骚乱事件的煽动者。Not all victims have been identified yet.并非所有的受害者都已辨明了身份。Doctors have identified a previously unrecognized form of the disease.医生已识别出了一种过去不知道的疾病。The murder victim has not yet been identified.这起谋杀案的受害者身份尚未确认。The victim has not been identified because of the sensitive nature of the case.由于案件的敏感性,未明确指出被害者身份。He has positively identified the body as that of his wife.他已确认那是他妻子的尸体。She has been identified as the chief suspect.她被认定是主要嫌疑人。These groups are identified with conservation.这些团体被认为与自然环境保护紧密相连。The treasury secretary identified the most heavily indebted countries.财政部长明确指出了负债最多的一些国家。Welfare has become identified with the long-term poor, the underclass.福利已经与长期贫困的下层社会联系在了一起。He says he was defamed by reports that falsely identified him as a former gangster.他说自己遭到了一些报道的诬蔑,那些报道把他错当成一名过去的歹徒。The girl, identified as Shelly Barnes, fell from the window when her mother's back was turned.那名女孩,证实为谢利·巴恩斯,在母亲转身时从窗口掉了下去。He thinks the Archbishop has identified himself too closely with party politics.他认为大主教与党派政治牵连太多。Having identified the problem, the question arises of how to overcome it.发现问题以后,就产生了怎样解决的问题。She acutely identified all the main problems.她敏锐地指出了所有的主要问题。The assassin's paymasters were never identified.那名刺客的幕后操纵者始终没有查出来。Two broad types of approach can be identified.可以确定有两大类方法。Engineers have identified serious design flaws in the proposed nuclear waste dump.工程师们已确认拟建的核废物处理站存在严重的设计缺陷。Halsey was identified as a leading proponent of the values of progressive education.哈尔西被认为是进步教育价值观的主要拥护者。She has always been identified with the civil rights movement.人们总是把她与民权运动联系在一起。Experts are examining the wreckage, but the cause of the accident has not yet been identified.专家们正在检查残骸,但事故的起因尚未查明。A man suffering from amnesia was identified by his sister, who saw his picture on television.一名患了遗忘症的男子被他的姐姐认出来,她是在电视上见到他的照片的。The body was too badly decomposed to be identified at once.尸体严重腐烂,难以马上辨明身份。Like a good businessman, Stewart identified a gap in the market.像精明的商人一样,斯图尔特发现了市场上的一个空白。He felt the shape of their heads and identified several men.他摸摸他们的头形,辨认出了其中几个人。He asked not to be identified for fear of political reprisals.因为怕遭到政治报复,他要求不要说出他的姓名。I identified with the heroine of the novel.我与小说中的那个女主人公感同身受。Police have now identified the man who they believe stole the car.警方现在确认这名男子就是他们认为偷走那辆车的人。The report identified eight pollution hot spots.那份报告确认了八个污染热点地区。The police identified the girl from a birthmark on her leg.警方从腿上的胎记辨认出了那个女孩。Great orchestras came to be identified increasingly with German conductors.杰出的交响乐团越来越被认为是德国指挥的功劳。The identified causes were later found to be mistaken attributions.这些原本确定的原因后来发现是误判。That politician is too closely identified with the former government.那个政治家与前政府的关系过于密切。His tone sweetened dramatically, once he'd identified his interlocutor.他一认出说话的对象,语气就变得轻松愉快多了。




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