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词汇 in the mouth
例句 I was within a hairbreadth of punching him in the mouth.我差一点没向他的嘴巴猛击一拳。Symptoms included frequent dryness in the mouth.症状包括经常口干舌燥。You were lucky she did not belt you in the mouth when you said that.你真有运气,你说那些话时她没打你的嘴巴。I noticed the guitar wasn't made of real wood, but I didn't say anything because you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.我发现那把吉他不是实木的,但我什么也没说,因为对别人送的东西不该吹毛求疵。Food is broken up in the mouth by the pressure of the teeth.食物在嘴里被牙齿嚼碎。The medicine left a bitter taste in the mouth.药在嘴里留下了苦味。He socked Brady in the mouth.他狠狠地打在布雷迪的嘴上。The ball hit him in the mouth and knocked out one of his teeth.球击中他的嘴,打掉了他的一颗牙。The meat was just done to a turn and absolutely melted in the mouth.肉做得恰到火候,入口即化。Tim's looking very down in the mouth.蒂姆看上去垂头丧气的。He looked a bit down in the mouth.他看起来有点低落。Talk like that and I'll give you a smack in the mouth.再这样说话,我就让你嘴巴吃拳头。James was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the burglars.詹姆斯在和入室盗贼搏斗时嘴部挨了打。She looked a bit down in the mouth.她看上去有点垂头丧气。Cigarette in the mouth, he paced about most of the night.夜里大部分时间他叼着烟,在屋里走来走去。He was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the raiders.他与抢劫者搏斗时,被打到了嘴。She whacked him in the mouth.她猛地一拳打在他的嘴上。It would be silly to look a gift horse in the mouth.对礼物吹毛求疵是愚蠢的。He threatened to punch me in the mouth.他威胁要打我的嘴。He gave the bully a punch in the mouth.他对着那恶棍的嘴巴打了一拳。I was surprised to see her looking so down in the mouth.看到她如此闷闷不乐,我感到吃惊。Poor digestion can be caused by defective mastication of the food in the mouth.消化不良可能是由于嘴里的食物没有充分咀嚼的缘故。




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