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词汇 hydrogen
例句 The hydrogen atoms fuse together.氢原子融合在一起。Water is composed of the elements hydrogen and oxygen.水是由氢和氧两种元素组成的。The author makes a compelling argument for the use of hydrogen as a fuel.作者主张用氢气作燃料,提出的论据很有说服力。Oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen are all gases.氧气、氢气和氮气都是气体。They'd have a lot of hydrogen sulfide gas bound up in their cells.他们的牢房里有大量的硫化氢气体。Both hydrogen and oxygen are elements, but water is not.氢和氧都是元素,但水不是。We found that this chemical process created hydrogen chloride as a by-product.我们发现这一化学过程产生了一种副产品—氯化氢。Car manufacturers are looking at alternative sources of energy such as hydrogen fuel cells.汽车制造商们正在寻找其他能源例如氢燃料电池。He mobilized public opinion all over the world against hydrogen-bomb tests.他动员全世界的舆论反对氢弹试验。Oxygen and hydrogen are gases at ordinary temperature.氧和氢在常温下为气体。Water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen.水是氢和氧的化合物。Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.水由氢和氧组成。Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen combine chemically to form carbohydrates and fats.碳、氢、氧化合形成碳水化合物与脂肪。A hydrogen leak forced NASA to ground the space shuttle.氢气泄漏迫使美国国家航空航天局停止了航天飞机的发射。Water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis. = Water can break down into hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis.通过电解作用,水会被分解为氢气和氧气。They'd have a lot of hydrogen sulphide gas bound up in their cells.他们的牢房里会积聚大量硫化氢气体。The hydrogen molecule binds with the oxygen molecule.氢分子会和氧分子结合。It does not produce hydrogen when added to dilute acids.加入到稀酸时不会产生氢气。The balloon was kept fully inflated with hydrogen.气球里一直充满了氢气。They may differ only in respect of two hydrogen atoms.它们可能仅仅存在两个氢原子的差异。This reaction creates hydrogen gas.这一反应能生成氢气。The reaction of hydrogen with oxygen makes water.氢气与氧气发生化学反应生成水。Water can be synthesized by burning hydrogen in air.水可以通过在空气中燃烧氢气合成。Jupiter is a gas giant, made largely of liquid hydrogen so it's actually very light.木星是一颗主要由液氢组成的气态巨行星,因此实际上很轻。As the battery gassed, the air became displaced by hydrogen gas.电池释放气体时,周围空气被氢气排开。When you electrolyse water it splits into hydrogen and oxygen.水电解后分成氢和氧。Water is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen.水是氢氧化合物。They use liquid hydrogen to drive the rockets.他们用液态氢驱动火箭。




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