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词汇 how much
例句 They don't really know how much the work will cost. They're just taking a stab in the dark.他们并不真的知道这项工作要花费多少。他们只是在瞎估计而已。Consult your doctor about how much exercise you should attempt.咨询一下医生你需要多大的运动量。It doesn't matter how much advice I give Cathy, she always goes her own sweet way.我给凯茜多少忠告也没用,她总是我行我素。It's incredible how much Francesca wants her father's approval.你想象不到弗朗西丝卡多么希望得到父亲的同意。It was amazing how much they accomplished in so short a time.他们在这么短的一段时间里取得了如此大的成就,真是了不起啊。You say he treats you badly but in the same breath you tell me how much you love him!你一会儿说他对你有多不好,可一会儿又说你有多爱他!The wild card in this election is the Green Party - no one knows exactly how much support they will get.本次选举中无法预料的是绿党——没人确切知道他们会获得多少支持。I never realized how much it meant to you.我从未意识到它对你这么重要。It's not clear how much longer we'll have to wait.我们不清楚还要等多久。He intends to buy that car no matter how much it costs.不管花多少钱他都打算买下那辆车。Tell us, Gillian, how much do you have in the appeal fund now?吉莉恩,请告诉我们你现在有多少援助基金?There is no limit to how much fresh fruit you can eat in a day.每天食用多少新鲜水果都可以。It's amazing how much work you can do in a day if you put your mind to it.如果你集中心思,那么一天内你能完成的工作量是惊人的。First off, I want to tell you how much I like your work.首先,我想告诉你我是多么喜欢你的工作。She and Luke had a difference of opinion over how much money they should spend.她与卢克在该花多少钱的问题上发生了争执。I'd like to know how much it costs, just as a matter of interest. 我只是出于兴趣才想知道它的费用。It staggers me to see how much money they've spent on this project.他们在这个项目上竟然花了那么多钱,真让我震惊。No one can say how much longer the strike will last.谁都说不准这次罢工还会持续多久。No matter how much you feel the pull of the past, make a determined effort to look to the future.不管对过去有多么留恋,你也要下定决心往前看。Kate remarked that it was amazing how much her kids knew about science.凯特说她的孩子对科学的了解竟是那么多,这很不可思议。Eventually our choice of hotel will come down to how much we can afford.我们最终选择哪家酒店归根结底取决于我们能付得起多少钱。He nearly cried out at the sudden realization of how much Randall looked like him.当他意识到兰德尔和自己有多么相像时,几乎叫了出来。Which carpet shampoo you choose depends on how much carpet you have to clean.用什么地毯洗涤剂取决于得洗多少地毯。The public opposition to the airport is a sign of how much people's attitudes have changed.民众反对建机场,这是人们态度转变的迹象。As usual, everything turned on how much money was available.照例,一切都取决于有多少钱可以用。I noticed with pleasure how much happier he seemed.我欣喜地注意到他似乎开心多了。He wants to prove just how much he has matured both as a player and as a man.他想证明自己作为一名运动员及作为一个男人,成熟了多少。Do you realize how much extra work you're letting yourself in for?你意识到你在给自己增加多少额外的工作吗?He says he'll cooperate, but I don't know how much longer we can keep him in line.他说会合作,但我不知道他会和我们合作多久。It's amazing how much things have changed since we were young.和我们小时候相比变化太大了,真令人惊异。Consumers may be kidding themselves about how much they'll spend.消费者在要花多少钱这个问题上可能是在自欺。How much it costs depends upon how much you buy.价钱取决于你买多买少。He's always whining about how much everything costs.他老是嘀咕着所有东西都那么贵。I don't know how much longer our supply of food will hold out. 我不知道我们的食物供应还能维持多久。We'll have to keep a check on how much we've spent.我们得注意我们花了多少钱。She realizes how much things have changed.她意识到情况已经发生了很大的变化。My guess is that he'll change his story when he realizes how much trouble he's in.我猜测,当他意识到他惹上多大麻烦时,他会更改他的报道。You can't begin to imagine how much that saddens me.你根本无法想象那让我多么难过。It's amazing how much you can learn in such a short space of time.你在这么短的时间内能学会那么多东西,真了不起。Exactly how much to tip a server is at the discretion of the customer.具体给服务生多少小费由顾客自己决定。




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