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词汇 houses
例句 New houses are going up all over the countryside.乡下到处在造新房子。The houses were snapped up as soon as they were offered for sale.这些房子刚开盘就被一抢而空。There is a much smaller pool of houses to rent than there used to be.现在用于出租的房屋储备量较以往少多了。Modern houses are much more energy efficient现代的房子比以前的房子节能多了。These houses are not ready for occupancy.这些房子还不能住人。The houses will boast the latest energy-saving technology.房屋将采用最新的节能技术。I spent my time in coffee houses or beer gardens with other students.我和其他学生一起在咖啡馆或者露天啤酒屋里打发时光。Wooden houses are relatively cheap to build.木屋造价比较便宜。The invaders looted, burned houses and committed other excesses as they marched through the countryside.侵略军穿过乡村地区时劫掠放火,并犯有其他残暴罪行。Some of these older houses still don't have running water.这些老房子还有一些没有通自来水。The family was often in flight, hiding out in friends' houses.这家人常常东躲西藏,在朋友家里避风头。Once these were the houses of the rich; today they are sanitaria for ordinary people.这些过去曾经是富人的房子;今天它们是普通人的疗养院。Salesmen used to call at the houses of newcomers to a district— soliciting for custom.过去推销员常到区里新搬来的住家拜访,以招揽顾客。The houses are thriftily built.这些房子建造得俭朴。There were a lot of guest houses which were very tatty.有很多宾馆破败得不成样子。It used to be that you could drive for miles here without seeing another person, but now there are houses and people everywhere.这地方以前开车几英里都看不到一个人,但现在到处都是房子和人。The contract for building the houses will be put out to tender.这些房屋的建造合约将对外招标。He made his money by tarting up slum houses and selling them at a huge profit.他挣钱的方法是将破旧的房子装点一下后再倒手牟取暴利。The houses were condemned after floods caused extensive damage.那些房子遭受洪水严重损毁之后被封闭了。Some of the boarding houses we stayed in were really run-down.我们住的家庭旅馆中有几个实在很破旧。The Government insisted that Britain's nuclear power stations are as safe as houses.政府坚称,英国的核电站非常安全。The houses were painted various shades of rose.房屋被粉刷成了色泽深浅不同的粉红色。Empty houses attract drug users and transients.无人居住的房子会吸引吸毒者和流浪者。By burning tree branches, pine needles, and pine cones, many not only warm their houses but improve the smell therein.许多人在家里烧树枝、松针和松果,不但给房子取暖,还改善了屋里的气味。The differences between the two houses must be resolved now.两院间的分歧到了必须解决的时候了。Its houses are large, well-spaced and surrounded by gardens.其房子很大、间距适当,周围全是花园。They built themselves huge, ostentatious houses.他们给自己建造了很大、很有气派的房子。A train rocketed by, shaking the walls of the row houses.一辆火车疾驰而过,排屋的墙都摇晃起来。Signs of habitation appeared and the fields gave way to houses.出现了人居的情况,田地变为房地。A tall fence separates the two houses.一道高高的篱笆隔开了那两栋房子。Many residents hoped to rent their houses out during the Games.许多居民希望在奥运会期间把自己的房屋租出去。A group of tiny brick houses is tucked away behind the factory.工厂后面隐藏着一片小砖房。Tucked along/down this alley are some beautiful old houses.这条巷子的深处有一些漂亮的老房子。Women were screaming; some of the houses nearest the bridge were on fire.女人们在尖叫;离桥最近的几所房屋起火了。The other houses are built to a more conventional design.其他房屋是按较常规的设计来建造的。The houses have been bulldozed down.房屋已经被推土机铲平。It's a community of old trees, big houses, and an unhurried life.那是一个古树环抱的社区,大大的房子,闲适的生活。Kate felt a great sadness for those who had lost their houses.凯特为那些失去住房的人感到非常难过。Several of the houses going up have already been sold.好几座在建的房屋已经售出。After the earthquake only a few houses were still standing.地震之后只剩下几栋房子。




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