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例句 The money he'd been ordered to pay was minimal in relation to his salary.他被要求支付的金额与他的薪水相比微不足道。His relation of his adventure fascinated us.他讲述的关于自己的冒险经历使我们听入了迷。It is a question of the relation of ethics to economics.这是一个伦理学和经济学的关系问题。For many software packages, the price bears little relation to cost.对于很多软件包来说,价钱和成本没有什么联系。Watercolour still seems somehow to be the poor relation of oil painting.不知为什么,水彩画似乎仍然比不上油画。I was astonished when I read the press release, which bore no relation to what I had told them.我读到新闻稿的时候大为震惊,其内容与我告诉他们的毫不相同。Plastic is a poor relation of real leather.塑料没有真皮好。This movie bears no relation to the book by the same title. 这部影片与同名小说没有任何关系。Your conclusion bears no relation to the evidence.你的结论与证据没有任何关系。I have several comments to make in relation to the subject at hand.就当前这个主题,我有几点意见。The storing of data in relation to certain machine-dependent boundaries.按照与机器相关的某种边界关系储存数据。Ecology is a branch of science that studies the relation between humans and the environment.生态学是一门研究人类与其环境之间关系的科学。I understand her to be a distant relation of his.据我了解,她是他的一位远亲。I have a lot to say in relation to that affair.关于那件事,我有好多话要说。Is he a relation of yours? 他是你的亲戚吗?The study shows the close relation between poverty and ill health.该研究表明了贫穷与健康不佳之间的密切关系。He had a relation who lived up the road.他有个亲戚住在这条马路上。Steve is a distant relation of my wife.史蒂夫是我妻子的远房亲戚。The interpretation bore no relation to the actual words spoken.这一阐释与实际所说的话没有关联。The fee bears little relation to the service provided.这项收费与提供的服务没多大关系。Her relation of the fairy tale fascinated the youngsters.她讲的神话故事使孩子们听得入了迷。All through his childhood he'd been the poor relation and he had an aunt who was a millionaire.他在整个童年期间都是个穷亲戚,有个身家百万的姑妈。She used the map to discover where she was in relation to her surroundings.她对照地图看周围环境来确定她所处的位置。The research examines minorities and their relation to society as a whole.这项研究审视少数族裔及其与整个社会的关系。There is an obvious relation between diet and health.饮食和健康显然有关系。What he says bears no relation to what he does.他的言和行是两码事。The blood donor service complains that it has always been treated as a poor relation within the Health Service.献血者服务处抱怨说它一直都被当作是卫生部中一个不受重视的部门。You are given a map so that you can see where your villa is in relation to the swimming pool.你会拿到一张地图,这样你就能了解自己的别墅与游泳池的相对位置。The relation between them is that of guardian and ward.他们两者的关系是保护人与被保护人。I can find no relation between crime and poverty.我不能找出犯罪与贫穷之间有任何联系。Her work explores the relation between technology and culture.她的工作是探索技术与文化之间的联系。He established a relation between asthma and certain types of work.他证实了哮喘与某些工种之间的关联。I have nothing further to say in relation to this matter.关于这件事,我没有更多好说的。What relation is Rita to you?丽塔是你的什么亲戚?He is the sixth person to be arrested in relation to the coup plot.他是因牵涉政变阴谋而被捕的第六个人。This theory bears no relation to reality.这个理论和现实没什么联系。He stands in the same relation to both parties.他与双方都保持同样的关系。The energy an animal uses is in direct relation to speed and body mass.动物消耗的能量与其速度和体重直接相关。I have nothing to say in relation to the quality of these goods.关于这批货物的质量我没有什么要说的。I have a lot to say with relation to that affair.关于那件事,我有好多话要说。




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