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词汇 relative
例句 Kim lived a life of relative ease and privilege.金过着相对安逸、优越的生活。He was his distant relative, as was everyone else on the island, come to think of it.哦,对了,他是他的远亲,岛上的其他人也是。The relative size of the middle class has been steadily shrinking.中产阶级的相对规模正逐步缩小。He lives with an elderly relative.他和一个年老的亲戚住在一起。We did it with relative ease.我们相对轻松地搞定了这件事。She is beautiful to me, but beauty is relative to the beholder's eye.在我看来她是美的,但是美不美又是随观看者的眼光而定的。We weighed up the relative advantages of driving there or going by train.我们权衡了一下,看看开车去那儿和乘火车去哪种方式更有利。The relative frequency of this illness in the area is of concern to all doctors.所有的医生都关注这种病在该地区相对频繁的发生率。I'm a relative newcomer to the area. 相对而言,我在这个地方还是个新人。We need to consider the relative merits of both makes of dishwasher.我们需要权衡两种品牌洗碗机相比较而言的优点。The parents were discussing the relative merits of the local schools.父母正在讨论当地学校的相对好处。The amount of petrol a car uses is relative to its speed.汽车耗油量和其行驶速度是成比例的。An employer can demand written certification that the relative is really ill.雇主可以要求出具书面证明,证实员工的亲人确实病了。The fact that these scandals are now public is testament to the relative openness of America's government.这些丑闻如今公之于众,这证明美国政府是相对透明的。I prefer the relative seclusion of the countryside.我比较喜欢乡间相对僻静的环境。The relative merits of both approaches have to be considered.两种方法的相对优点都得考虑在内。The donkey is a relative of the horse.驴和马有亲缘关系。We were talking about the relative merits of running and walking as kinds of exercise.我们正在谈论跑步和散步作为运动的相对优点。A cousin is a collateral relative.表兄弟是旁系亲属。Her aunt is her nearest relative.她姨妈是她最近的亲戚。He's a distant relative of the mayor.他是市长的一个远亲。Your sister is your blood relative, but your brother-in-law is not.你姐姐跟你有血缘关系,而你的姐夫没有。He made the next attempt with relative coolness.他较为镇定地作了下一次尝试。I'm a relative newcomer to the retail business.我在零售行业相对来说还是个新手。People must be allowed to grieve the loss of a relative for as long as they need to.必须容许人们哀悼逝去的亲人,直到他们感到足够为止。After the accident he retired from acting and died in relative obscurity.那次事故后他就不再演戏,在默默无闻中去世。Her most brilliant work was done during several months of relative inactivity.她最杰出的作品是在她相对闲散的那几个月里完成的。The head of the department is a relative newcomer.这个部门的领导来的时间相对较短。He is my distant relative.他是我的远房亲戚。The Bay Area is a place where people of many ethnicities live together in relative harmony.海湾区有许多不同种族的人比较和谐地生活在一起。Lucia had brought an aged relative with her as her chaperone.露西亚带了位年长的亲戚当她的陪伴。I was able to say goodbye to him in relative privacy.我得以相对私密地和他告别。He's been nursing an elderly relative.他一直在照顾一位年老的亲戚。The relative cheapness of foreign travel means that more people are going abroad than ever before.境外旅游相对便宜,这就意味着要出国的人比以往要多。He rose from relative obscurity to worldwide recognition.他从默默无闻一下变成世界闻名。We lived in relative luxury.我们算是生活得比较奢侈了。Ian was her only living relative.伊恩是她唯一还在世的亲戚。There is a shortage of labour relative to the demand for it.与需求相比,劳动力不足。The council's relative independence of the government means it can negotiate its own agreements.市政会相对独立于政府,意味着它可以自主谈判签订协议。The elderly relative had died of old age.这位年事已高的亲戚得享天年。




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