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例句 US investors anticipate that the Deutschmark will, in the long term, depreciate relative to the dollar.美国投资者预计从长远看,德国马克兑美元会贬值。Jan decided not to invite any of her relatives to her graduation.简决定在她的毕业典礼上,一个家人都不邀请。Companies replace managers who underperform relative to their rivals.公司会撤换那些表现不如对手的经理人。We invited all our near relatives to the party.我们邀请了所有的近亲来参加聚会。The satellite remains in one spot relative to the earth's surface.相对地球表面而言,这颗卫星位置固定。He relied on matchmaking relatives to find a wife.他指着说媒的亲戚帮他找个老婆。Certainly, the servicemen have suffered relative to most of their civilian counterparts.的确,军人与相当于他们级别的大多数文职人员相比,是遭了罪的。Keep your comments relative to what is under discussion.把你的发言集中在正在讨论的问题上。The value of the house is low relative to similar houses in the area.相比本地区的类似房屋,这栋房子的价格并不高。Japanese interest rates rose relative to America's.与美国相比,日本的利率上涨了。How did the control group students do relative to the whole class?与整个班级相比较,对照组学生做得怎样?Supply is relative to demand.供应是按需求而定的。Don't allow relatives to pour cold water on your optimism.别让亲戚们给你的乐观情绪泼冷水。 There is a shortage of labour relative to the demand for it.与需求相比,劳动力不足。Those who do not have relatives to return to are left to wander the streets and sleep rough.举目无亲的人只好四处游荡,露宿街头。We will discuss matters relative to peace and security.我们将讨论有关和平与安全的事宜。The degree of job security for tenured faculty is high relative to most other jobs.终身聘用教师的工作稳定性比其他大多数工作高。Their weight is small relative to their size.相对于体积来说,它们的重量太轻了。Are these documents relative to the discussion?这些文件和我们讨论的问题有关吗?Dolphins have large brains relative to their body size.相对躯体而言,海豚的脑部很大。She has no relatives to fall back on.她没有亲戚可以依靠。The amount of petrol a car uses is relative to its speed.汽车耗油量和其行驶速度是成比例的。She killed off her relatives to get the inheritance.为了得到遗产她杀死了自己的亲属。The price of housing relative to income is an important measure of real income.房价与收入之比是衡量实际收入的一个重要指标。Questions have been raised relative to your testimony.有人已就你的证词提出了质疑。Get a relative to look after the children.找一个亲戚来照看孩子。She is beautiful to me, but beauty is relative to the beholder's eye.在我看来她是美的,但是美不美又是随观看者的眼光而定的。When he died, there were no children or close relatives to contact.他去世后,既无子女又无近亲可联系。House prices now look cheap relative to earnings.相对于收入而言,房价现在看上去比较低。He asked me some questions relative to the subject.他问了我一些有关这个题目的问题。




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