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词汇 hoof
例句 We discovered the impression of a hoof.我们发现了一个蹄印。The smith files the horse's hoof before fitting the horseshoe.铁匠在钉马蹄铁之前先把马蹄锉平。We can grab some lunch on the hoof.我们可以在途中抓紧时间吃些午饭。She ate lunch on the hoof to get the report done on time.为了按时完成报告,她吃着午饭顺带写报告。He did his thinking on the hoof.他临时思考了一番。The symbol which now dominated my mind was not the cross but the cloven hoof.现在占据我内心的不是十字架,而是魔鬼的标志。Canker can infect the inner parts of the horse's hoof.马蹄疮可以感染马蹄的内部。We missed the bus and had to hoof it.我们错过了公共汽车,所以只好步行。The horse snorted and stamped its hoof impatiently.那匹马不耐烦地又打响鼻又跺蹄子。The farmers sell their animals on the hoof.农民们出售活畜。




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