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词汇 hiding
例句 They are now in hiding at an undisclosed address.他们现在藏身于一个秘密的地方。Police believe the robbers have gone into hiding.警方认为劫匪已经躲起来了。It is likely that they would go into hiding for a few weeks, and resurface when the publicity has died down.他们很可能会躲藏几个星期,等风声过了以后再露面。He came out of hiding to answer the rumors.他现身对种种谣传做出回应。The cat emerged from its hiding place behind the couch.猫从长沙发后的躲藏处出来了。The group's leader has been in hiding since the government put a price on his head.自从政府悬赏缉拿这个组织的头目以来,他就躲起来了。Gray is thought to be in hiding in France.大家认为格雷藏在法国。If I cop you stealing my apples again, I'll give you a good hiding.下回再让我抓着你偷我的苹果,非好好揍你一顿不可。Someone was hiding in the shadows at the end of the garden.有人躲在花园尽头的阴影处。She knew where the children were hiding but she didn't let on.她知道孩子们藏在哪儿,但是不露声色。A flashlight beam probed the underbrush only yards away from their hiding place.一束手电筒光束在离他们的藏身之地只有几码远的灌木丛里照来照去。Fearing her uncle would gain custody of the child, she went into hiding.她担心叔叔会取得那孩子的监护权,于是躲了起来。The men were hiding in an abandoned theater in a run-down part of the city.那些男子躲在城市破落区的一间废弃剧院里。I went to the closet and made myself a hiding place.我走向衣橱,给自己找了个藏身处。At least no one can accuse me of hiding the truth.无论如何没有人会指责我隐瞒真相。She has been accused of hiding behind her reputation instead of answering the charges openly.她被指责利用她的声望作挡箭牌,而不是公开回应对她的控告。The soldiers smoked the enemy out of their hiding-places.士兵们把敌人从藏身处赶出。He had been hiding out and sleeping rough.他一直都东躲西藏、露宿街头。From his hiding place in the closet, Dwayne could hear the conversation in the bedroom.德韦恩在他躲藏的壁橱里,能够听到卧室里的谈话。So they caught him and gave him a hiding.于是他们抓住他,把他痛打了一顿。They were winkled out of their hiding places.他们被迫离开藏身之处。They gave us a good hiding in that game.他们在那场比赛中把我们打得很惨。The criminal has gone into hiding. 罪犯躲藏起来了。He was expecting a hiding when he got home.他预计回家后会遭到一顿痛打。The rebels coerced the villagers into hiding them from the army.叛乱者强迫村民们将他们隐藏起来,以逃脱军队的搜捕。The right style of swimsuit can help by hiding bulges.款式合适的泳衣可以帮助遮盖赘肉。The old war criminal was at last smoked out from his hiding place abroad.这个老战犯终于被人从他在国外的藏匿处查获。The seal on the box broke when it fell from its hiding-place.盒子从藏匿处掉下来时,封口裂开了。The pilot was hiding out in the woods.飞行员躲在树林里。We have reason to believe that the escaped prisoner may be hiding in this house.我们有理由相信越狱犯可能就躲在这幢房子里。Why is he hiding from us? Is he afraid?他为什么躲着我们?是怕我们吗?Marcus had trouble hiding his disdain for the man.马库斯难以掩饰他对这个男人的鄙视。The refugees evaded capture by hiding in the forest.难民藏在森林里以躲避被俘。We believe she may have played a part in hiding the cash.我们认为她可能参与了藏匿现金。Weiss spent two years hiding from the Nazis.韦斯躲藏了两年逃避纳粹的追捕。Her tailored suit fitted neatly, hiding the slight bulges of middle-age.她这身订做的衣服非常合身,把人到中年微微发福的体态掩盖了起来。He had the idea of hiding Ali's shoes.他想出了一个主意,准备把阿里的鞋藏起来。My favorite hiding place when I was a kid was in the attic.我小时候最喜欢藏在阁楼里。The enemy infantry was hiding.敌军步兵正在隐蔽。The police are moving in on the criminals hiding in the house.警察正在向躲在房子里的罪犯进逼。




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