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词汇 hate
例句 She looked at him with eyes full of hate.她用充满憎恨的双眼看着他。I hate the idea of leaving my mother alone all week.我不愿让母亲整个星期独自在家。Sometimes the critics love you and sometimes they hate you. That's showbiz.评论家有时喜欢你,有时讨厌你。这就是演艺界。I love the work but I hate the travelling that's involved.我喜欢这份工作,但我讨厌与工作相关的出差。I wish we could get on with the job. I hate all this hanging about.我希望我们能继续把工作干下去,我不喜欢这么干等。I hate that smell - it makes me think of when I was in the hospital.我很讨厌那气味,它使我想起我在医院里的时候。I hate getting up in the dark.我讨厌天不亮就起床。I hate not being on time for class.我讨厌上课迟到。I hate the way he's so condescending to his staff!我讨厌他在员工面前那种居高临下的样子!He came to hate the town, with its narrow prejudices.小镇的种种狭隘偏见令他渐生厌恶之情。I don't hate you! Nothing could be further from the truth!说我不恨你!那绝对是假话!I hate the job but I need the cash.我讨厌这份工作,可是我需要钱。I hate to think of all that hard work going down the drain!所有的辛劳都付诸东流,我真不愿去想!I hate doing this.我不愿干这事。I hate this stinking job.我讨厌这令人恶心的工作。I would hate him to think I'm trying to trap him.我不愿意让他觉得我在试图陷害他。I hate to admit it, but Sam may be right.虽然我不愿承认,但萨姆可能是对的。I hate dealing with the bank over the phone. It takes ages to get through to the right person.我讨厌在电话上同银行打交道,找对人要花很长时间。I hate it when you leave the top off the toothpaste!我讨厌你不盖牙膏盖儿!I hate summer vacation. The kids are under my feet all day long.我不喜欢暑假,孩子们整天缠着我。I hate to spoil your fun but it's time to go home now.我不想扫你的兴,但现在该回家了。She has a love-hate relationship with her ex-husband. 她和前夫之间有着爱恨交织的感情。After the way he treated me, I really hate that man.他那样对待我,我真恨他。Teachers hate children who tell tales about their friends.老师讨厌那些老说朋友坏话的孩子。After those two blissful years, I began to hate school.过了那快乐的两年之后,我就开始讨厌上学了。I hate being cooped up inside working when its a sunny day outside.我讨厌在外面阳光灿烂的时候自己被囚在室内工作。She looked at him with hate in her eyes.她用憎恨的目光看著他。He made headlines and received hysterical hate mail.他成了新闻人物,收到了疯狂的攻击性邮件。I'd hate them to put me down as a snob.我讨厌他们把我看作势利小人。I hate doing the shopping at weekends.我讨厌周末购物。She complained to the police after receiving hate mail.收到恐吓信件后,她报了警。I hate to hear the sound of chalk grating against the blackboard.我讨厌听到粉笔在黑板上摩擦发出的刺耳声。Ooh, gross! I hate spinach!噢,真恶心!我讨厌菠菜!She gave him a look of pure hate.她非常憎恨地看了他一眼。I hate the monotony of work on the assembly line.我痛恨在单调无味的流水装配线上工作。I hate to tell you this, but tomorrow's your last day.我很抱歉地通知你,明天是你的最后一天了。I would hate you to think me a troublemaker.我不愿你把我看成个爱惹是非的人。She became caught in a whirlpool of hate.她陷入了仇恨的漩涡。I hate waiting in long lines.我讨厌排长队等待。I like to keep going. I hate to sit still.我喜欢一直有事情做,讨厌一动不动地坐着。




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