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词汇 handful
例句 She scooped up a handful of sand and let it trickle through her fingers.她抓起一把沙子,让它从指缝里一点点漏下来。Only a handful of artists in Britain can make a living from painting.在英国,只有很少几个画家能以画画为生。She has a good handful of Hollywood roles under her belt.她取得了好几个好莱坞角色。Some people had gained control of a handful of banks to line their own pockets.有些人控制了几家银行,以便从中牟取暴利。The children collected seashells by the handful.孩子们一把把地捡贝壳。Kunqu is an esoteric art form that only a handful of people can appreciate.昆曲是一种只有少数专家才能欣赏的艺术。A handful of cinema's certifiable masterpieces are in need of restoration.有几部真正的电影杰作需要修复。A handful of people were just lounging around.有四五个人正在那儿闲荡。He missed a handful of makable putts.他打丢了几个有可能入洞的轻击球。I drew a handful of coins from my pocket.我从口袋里摸出一把硬币。Her older son is fine but the little one is a bit of a handful.她的大儿子很好,但小儿子有点难管。I filled the pot with a handful of loose earth.我将一把松散的泥土装进盆子里。Frank emptied a handful of loose change on the table.弗兰克将一把零钱撒在桌子上。Zara can be a handful sometimes.扎拉有时会很难管教。She scooped up a handful of earth.她抓起了一把土。One spring morning a handful of potential investors assembled in Quincy.春天的一个早上,几位有望投资者聚集在昆西。He dipped his hand into the jar and snatched a handful of cookies.他把手伸进广口瓶,掏了一把小饼干。The farmer examined a handful of earth.那个农夫察看了一把泥土。The boy picked up a handful of stones and started throwing them at us.那男孩捡起一把石子开始朝我们扔过来。Steve barely said a handful of words during the first half hour.史蒂夫在前半小时里没说几句话。The handful who had been convicted had been small fry.被定罪的几个都是小人物。She's quite a handful.她是个刺头。He scooped up a handful of sand and dropped it in the bucket.他舀起一把沙子放进桶里。Only a handful of these rare fish remain in Scotland.苏格兰只存有极少数这些罕见的鱼类。He opened his wallet with a flourish and took out a handful of notes.他夸张地打开皮夹,拿出一把钞票。She let the handful of sand trickle through her fingers.她让手里的一把沙子从指缝间慢慢漏下来。Michael threw his handful of dirt onto the coffin.迈克尔往棺材上撒了一把土。There were only a handful of people there.那里只有几个人。They have visited us only a handful of times.他们来看我们的次数屈指可数。A handful of multinational companies dominate the economy.少数跨国公司控制着经济。I started a fire with a handful of Rocky Mountain feathers.我用一把木刨花点起一堆火。The first tour will visit a handful of artisan food producers in action.第一个游览项目是拜访一些传统食品制作师,观看他们现场制作食品。After beating the cake mixture, add a handful of mixed nuts.搅打完蛋糕混合料之后,放入一把什锦果仁。A handful of Internet companies are battling for world domination.少数几个互联网公司正在争夺世界统治地位。Having to cope with a mere handful of staff was too much for her.不得不靠区区几名员工支撑局面,这对她来说太难了。There are a handful of charities which I support regularly.有几家慈善机构我经常赞助。We have received only a small handful of letters on this subject.关于这个问题的来信我们只收到寥寥几封。I shall have a handful when those boys come home for the holidays.等那些男孩回家度假时,够我麻烦的了。The Democratic candidate was nosed out by a handful of votes.民主党候选人以几票之差落选。A handful of states have introduced similar legislation.一小部分州出台了类似的法规。




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