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词汇 gun
例句 The gun shot made the monkeys chatter in alarm.枪声使那群猴子惊慌地吱吱乱叫。The second time he fired his gun jammed.他开第二枪时枪卡壳了。They were stitched by machine gun bullets.他们被机枪子弹连连射中。He is a social conservative and an opponent of gun control.他是一个社会保守主义者,反对枪支管制。She meticulously cleaned the gun and locked it away in its case.她一丝不苟地把枪擦拭干净,锁在了枪盒里。She raised the gun, and pulled the trigger.她举起枪,扣动了扳机。They were being pinned down by machine-gun fire.他们被机枪火力压制而动弹不得。His gun went off accidentally.他的枪不小心走火了。The barrel of the gun was rock-steady, covering him as he moved.这支枪枪管十分稳固,在他移动时能打到他。Put that gun down! Are you totally crazy?把枪放下!你是真疯了?The party finally split over the issue of gun control.这个党派最终在枪支管控问题上产生了严重分化。The gun tumbled out of his hand.枪从他的手里摔了出去。The gun froze, jamming the mechanism.枪受到冰冻,卡住了击发装置。She found herself looking down the barrel of a gun.她发觉自己正面对着枪口。The suspended officer was asked to turn in his badge and gun.停职的警官被要求交回警徽和手枪。The police found the gun when they made the pinch.警察搜捕时发现了枪。The robber pointed a gun at the policeman and told him to back away slowly.劫匪用枪对着警察,叫他慢慢向后退。I showed them where the gun was.我带他们找到了枪。The gun gave him a false sense of security. 这把枪带给他一种虚假的安全感。The suspect surrendered his gun without protest.嫌疑犯没有任何反抗就缴枪投降了。It does not matter that the gun was in fact unloaded.枪里其实没子弹,但这并不重要。The court heard how he confronted the couple, forced them to lie spreadeagled on the ground, and pointed a gun at their heads.法庭听取了他如何威胁这对夫妇,逼他们摊开手脚躺在地上,并用枪指着他们的头。It was a replica gun, for display only.那是一把仿真枪,仅供展示。The army lorries were sprayed with machine gun fire from guerrillas in the woods.部队的运货卡车遭到了树林中游击队机关枪的扫射。The hunter slung his gun over his shoulder.猎人将枪挂在肩上。The gun was wrapped in a dirty rag.枪用一块脏布包着。He tightened his grip on the gun.他紧紧地握着枪。The ringleader was shot to death in a gun battle.主犯在枪战中被击毙。He aimed the gun carefully before shooting.他射击前小心翼翼地瞄准。The gun is mounted on rails.枪架在铁轨上。The latest outrage was to have been a co-ordinated gun and bomb attack on the station.最近的一起暴行是同时动用了枪支和炸弹的对车站的袭击。A police officer was injured in a gun battle that took place last night.一名警员在昨夜发生的枪战中受了伤。One must sight carefully before firing his gun.在放枪前一定要仔细地瞄准。The gun turret revolved until the gun was aimed at the advancing soldiers.炮塔旋转着,最后炮口瞄准了正在前进的士兵。He suddenly whipped out a gun.他猛地掏出枪来。Jack was in my line of sight and I angled the gun towards him.杰克在我的瞄准线范围内,我调整枪的角度瞄准了他。We heard the sharp crack of a gun and the smack of a bullet striking sparks on a rock.我们听到噼啪一声枪响,子弹啪的一声打在岩石上,火星飞溅。I never stopped firing till the gun jammed.我不停地射击,直到枪卡了壳。You chose to live here. Nobody put a gun to your head.是你自己要住在这里,又没有人强迫你。Detectives found his fingerprints all over the gun.侦探们发现枪上全是他的指纹。




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