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I'm in a predicament. I don't know whether or not I ought to tell my brother that his wife's having an affair.我现在处境尴尬,不知道是否该告诉我哥哥他的妻子有了外遇。The finance minister found himself in hot water over his business interests.那位财政部长发现,由于商业上的利害关系自己的处境尴尬。She has a knack of landing herself right in the soup.她总是使自己处境尴尬。I found myself in an embarrassing situation.我发现自己处境尴尬。Officials say they are in the difficult position of having to implement a law they strongly disagree with.官员们表示,要实施一项他们坚决反对的法律使得他们处境尴尬。I was in a difficult position, as I was being asked to confront a man who had much more power than I did.我的处境尴尬,因为我被要求面对一个权力比我大得多的人。 |