例句 |
The judge sentenced the murderer to the gallows.法官判杀人犯处以绞刑。In cases of sheep-stealing, the usual punishment was hanging.偷羊一般被处以绞刑。He was hanged without even the pretence of a proper trial.连装模作样的审判一下都没有,他就被处以绞刑。Muhammad was defeated in battle and gibbeted.穆罕默德战败后被处以绞刑。He was hanged for his crimes.他作恶多端,被处以绞刑。If he is found guilty, he will almost certainly hang.如果被判有罪,他几乎肯定会被处以绞刑。The conspirators were hanged for high treason.这些谋反者因叛国罪被处以绞刑。 |