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词汇 处境
例句 We tried to make a joke of our situation, but it wasn't really funny.我们试图拿我们的处境开玩笑,但这实在不是什么好笑的事。Everyone has lost their job. We're all in the same boat.每个人都失去了工作,我们大家处境都一样。Our position is hopeless; we'll never get out alive.我们的处境毫无希望,我们决不可能活著出去。Things have been difficult for him lately, what with his wife's illness and all.因为妻子生病等原因,他最近的处境一直很困难。He huddled close to others similarly situated in order to feel more at home.他跟那些处境与他相似的人紧紧抱成团,这样可以觉得自在些。We've lost the order and we're in a bit of a hole.我们失掉了订单,因而处境有些困难。It's a bit of a sticky wicket.时下的处境有点艰难。The reforms actually worsened the condition of people in rural communities.这些改革实际上使农村居民的处境更糟了。He is on the spot because he cannot pay back the money he borrowed.因为还不出欠款,他现在处境很尴尬。The situation is grim for the innocent people, caught up in this conflict.这些无辜的老百姓遭遇这场冲突,处境十分艰难。We are in the gravest peril.我们的处境异常凶险。The government is still being accused of being inattentive to the plight of the Health Service.政府仍被指责对国民医疗保健制度的困难处境漠不关心。The Chancellor could face a rough ride unless the plan works.财政大臣的处境可能会很艰难,除非计划奏效。I'm not surprised he's miserable, living in that dank old house.他住在那阴湿的老房子里,对他这种可悲的处境我并不感到惊奇。I found myself in an awful fix. 我发现自己处境糟糕。We had to take stock of our position.我们必须估计一下我们的处境She can no longer tolerate the position that she's in.她再也受不了自己的处境了。With its best player out of the game, the team found itself in dire straits. 最好的球员比赛出局后,球队感到处境岌岌可危。There's damn all we can do to alter the situation.我们对于改变这种处境完全无能为力。You are in danger.处境很危险。Ed asked me to lie for him to help save his job, which put me in a very awkward position.埃德要我替他撒谎帮助他保住工作,这使我陷入一个很为难的处境Recent joiners are in a worse position than existing members.最近的加入者比现有会员的处境要糟糕。Things must be difficult for you right now.此时此刻你的处境一定很艰难。Other sports are much worse off than athletics.其他体育项目比田径运动处境要糟得多。I can really sympathize with John.我确实能够理解约翰的处境We had come to a very strange pass.我们陷入非常奇怪的处境I knew that in our current position, we were an all-too-easy target for thieves and bandits.我知道以我们目前的处境,盗匪要向我们下手是最容易不过的。It puts me in a rather difficult position.这让我处境相当困难。Tell him that he stands in great peril.告诉他,他的处境非常危险。I congratulated myself for having got out of that galère.我庆幸自己摆脱了那种处境Rumours spread about banks being in difficulty.有传闻称银行现在处境艰难。Ireland was in the throes of a potato famine.爱尔兰正遭受马铃薯奇缺的痛苦处境He resigned himself to the fact that he could do nothing to change his situation.他只好安于无法改变自己处境的这一现实。You are in great peril.你的处境极其危险。That was during the band's plangent, mournful phase.那是乐队处境凄惨时发生的事。The dilemma over human cloning lies at the heart of the ethical choices facing society.人类克隆的两难处境本质上是社会面临的伦理选择问题。I must warn you that you stand in grave danger.我得告诉你,你的处境非常危险。The settlement of the dispute was a sell-out, leaving the miners worse off than they were before.这场争议的解决方案出卖了矿工,使他们的处境比以前更加恶劣。I was in a jam because I didn't have enough money to foot the bill.我带的钱不够付帐,处境很狼狈。The unions have always tried to improve the lot of their members.各工会一直在试图改善会员的处境




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