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词汇 处处
例句 The house is well built throughout.这房子处处都建得很好。Too many marriages end in divorce because the man is still tied to his mom's apron strings.太多婚姻以离婚收场,是因为男方还是处处听妈妈的。The president's speech was full of self-congratulation about making the company profitable again.因为让公司重新获利,总裁在讲话中处处流露出沾沾自喜。His warped sense of patriotism caused him to see enemies everywhere.他那偏执的爱国主义意识使他感到草木皆兵,处处是敌。African dance is vigorous, but full of subtlety.非洲舞蹈强劲奔放,但又处处透着细腻。Democrats and Republicans differed right down the line on what the proper responses were.民主党与共和党就何为恰当的反应处处针锋相对。There was a general air of jubilation.处处洋溢着欢庆的气氛。When he started his own business, he patterned himself after his father. 他刚开始做生意的时候处处效仿他的父亲。She is given to behaving selfishly. = She is given to selfishness.处处为自己着想。The company's losing money right, left and centre.公司处处在亏损。I had to be careful not to get a sore throat and lose my voice.我只好处处小心,以免因嗓子疼而失声。We approach the end of the year with the economy slowing and little sign of cheer.快到年末时,我们面临着经济放缓、处处萧条的局面。Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains.人生来是自由的,却处处受到束缚。There was great joy in Jerusalem.耶路撒冷处处洋溢着欢乐。We're losing money right and left.我们处处都赔钱。The interests of the two countries coincide on all counts.两国利益处处一致。Events seemed to be conspiring to frustrate us at every turn.事情似乎商量好了似的,处处与我们作对。He gave every indication of being a fool.处处显示出是个傻瓜。You are your mother's child through and through. 你真是你妈的孩子,处处像她。His drawings are peerless, concise and full of surprises.他的画无与伦比,简洁且处处出人意料。They engrafted their principles into the document.这份文件中处处体现出他们的原则。The town was aglow with pride.镇上处处洋溢着自豪感。The forest was filled with the sound of running water.森林中处处都能听到流水声。He gave up playing the field and married a year ago.他不再处处留情,一年前结了婚。My face and raincoat were soaking wet.我的脸上、雨衣上处处湿淋淋的。I wouldn't trust them in spite of all their la-di-da manners.尽管他们处处显得很高雅的样子,我还是不相信他们。The research team was very mindful of these dangers.研究小组处处留心,提防这些危险。The casino was all glitz.赌场处处显奢华。They opposed her at every turn.他们处处与她作对。The route is well signposted throughout.这条路处处都标好了路标。The material is flawed throughout.那个材料处处瑕疵。The air is filled with birdsong.鸟啼悦耳,处处可闻。I appealed for help but felt I was always banging my head against a wall.我恳求帮助,却觉得自己总是处处碰壁。After that, life became a matter of defying school rules.从那以后,生活便成了处处与校规作对。His prose is everywhere a demonstration of a lucid style.他的散文处处显示出一种明晰的风格。The road ahead is littered with snags.前进的道路上处处都有障碍。The city was swept up in the mood of exaltation.整座城市处处洋溢着欢欣鼓舞的气氛。Indeed, he confused her at every turn.实际上他处处为难她。She niggled over every detail of the bill.她对账单处处挑毛病。Bad luck seems to follow me everywhere.噩运似乎处处跟着我。




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