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例句 The country was on the brink of civil war.该国处在内战的边缘。She was so high up now that she didn't dare look down.她现处在这么高的地方,都不敢往下看了。Congress is in recess.国会正处在休会期。The acquisition of Walker puts the company on a par with its rivals in France and Germany.收购了沃克之后,公司就与在法国和德国的竞争对手处在同等的地位上。He's at an awkward age.他正处在问题重重的年龄。The party remained on the fringe of the political scene.该党一直处在政坛的边缘地位。He has always remained on the fringes of mainstream politics.他一直处在主流政治的边缘。In common with a lot of other countries, we're in an economic recession.同许多国家一样,我国也处在经济萧条时期。The world stood poised between peace and war.世界处在和平和战争之间。The new administration is still in the shakedown period.新政府仍处在调整适应期。He was adrift on the shoreless tides of delirium.处在高潮迭起的极度兴奋中。The whole region was still in the iron grip of winter.整个地区仍然处在严冬之中。The needle of the compass shows that we're facing south.指南针上的磁针显示我们处在朝南的位置。The country is presently in the throes of the worst recession since the Second World War.该国目前正处在二战以来最萧条动荡的时期。The new system is still under evaluation.新体系还处在评估阶段。I was certain I was on the brink of poverty, going to the poorhouse.我确信自己已处在贫困的边缘,马上就要进济贫院了。These civilizations flourished while Europeans were still savages living in caves.当欧洲人还未开化住在山洞里的时候,这些文明已经处在发达的时期。The target was framed at the centre of the calibrated cross hairs.目标正处在校正好的瞄准镜十字线中央。She is now at the summit of her career.她现在正处在事业的顶峰。He found himself alone in a hostile world.他感到自己处在一个充满敌意的环境中,孤立无援。The city has been experiencing a period of financial/economic hardship.市政府一直处在财政/经济困难时期。The poor dog was in an extremity of pain.这条可怜的狗正处在极度痛苦之中。We're living in difficult times.我们正处在困难时期。The country was on the brink of an abyss.国家处在深渊的边缘。A fish in water is in its natural medium.水中的鱼处在其天然的生活环境中。The country is in incipient economic crisis.这个国家正处在经济危机的萌芽状态中。The comet was at its farthest point from the sun.那颗彗星处在距太阳的最远点。It is a bucolic refuge in the midst of a great bustling city.它是处在繁华的大城市之中的世外桃源。The disease was in a period of latency. 这种疾病处在潜伏期。There must be any number of people in my position.一定有很多人处在我这种境况。Much of the humour of the book was unfortunately lost in translation.可惜的是这本书的许多幽默之处在翻译中丢失了。Tribal lands are primarily located in remote rural regions.部族土地基本上都处在偏远的乡村地区。The country was ruled by a despotic tyrant.该国处在一个专制暴君的统治之下。We are under the eyes of both sides all the time.我们一直处在双方的监视之下。Morale seems to have reached its lowest ebb.士气似乎已处在最低潮。We know that prolonged exposure to vibration can weaken aircraft components.我们知道,长时间处在震动状态下会降低飞机零件的强度。The country is on red alert.这个国家正处在紧急戒备状态。In my position I cannot risk blindly trusting anyone.处在我的位置上,我不能冒险盲目地相信任何人。She is currently under sedation.她现在处在镇静剂的作用之下。Jordan holds a key position, bordering both Israel and Iraq.约旦与以色列和伊拉克接壤,处在关键的地理位置上。




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