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词汇 a pity
例句 It would be a pity to give up now – you've nearly finished.现在放弃太可惜了,你差不多就要完成了。It is a pity but we knew more about him.可惜我们当时对他不够了解。It's a pity you couldn't come.你来不了,真遗憾。What a pity there was no one to keen him.多么遗憾,没有人为他恸哭。It seems such a pity that a distinguished and honored name should be commercialized in such a manner.一个著名的、令人尊敬的名字就这样商业化了,似乎太让人遗憾了。It's a pity that the old house was knocked down.很可惜,那幢老房子被拆毁了。It's a pity for me to see an old woman hobble away.看着老太太蹒跚而去我心中很不是滋味。It's a pity he missed the opportunity to travel abroad.他错过了去国外旅游的机会,真是可惜。It's a pity you shaved your moustache off.你把胡子剃了好可惜。It's a pity Makku and I had to miss our lesson last week.很遗憾我和马库上周不得不缺课。It's a pity about the weather - it was so nice yesterday.天气不好真是可惜—昨天还好好的。He didn't live to see his daughter grow up, and that's a pity.他没有活到看到女儿长大,真是件憾事。It's a pity about the mark on your shirt. Dry cleaning will probably get it out.你的衬衫上有污迹,真可惜。干洗也许能把它洗掉。It's a pity that so many people are uninterested in science at school.这么多人对学校的科学课不感兴趣,真是可惜。That would be such a pity, wouldn't it?那真是遗憾,是不是?It would be a pity if they had to cancel the show.如果他们不得不取消这场表演,那真是遗憾。The place was great, but it was a pity about the weather.那个地方很美,遗憾的是天气不好。It seemed a pity to let it all go to waste.让这一切白白浪费掉,真是可惜了。It's a pity she has such a loud harsh voice.可惜她的嗓门太大、声音也太难听了。It was a pity she was so old, he mused.他暗想,真是可惜啊,她都这么老了。It was a pity our father never remarried after our mother's death.很遗憾,母亲去世后父亲没有再婚。It's a pity my parents didn't come – they'd have enjoyed it.很遗憾,我的父母没有来,要不然他们会很开心的。What a pity you didn't tell me earlier!真可惜你没有早点儿告诉我!It would be a pity to spoil the surprise.如果破坏了这一惊喜,会很遗憾的。It's a pity that not all pupils get the same chances to learn music.可惜并不是所有小学生都同样有机会学习音乐。It is a pity so many people are judgmental and unforgiving.可惜有这么多人喜欢评头论足,毫无宽容之心。It's a pity how rarely we see each other.很遗憾我们很少见面。It's a pity you never got married, Sarah.萨拉,你没结过婚真是遗憾啊。It's rather a pity you couldn't come.你不能来真是太遗憾了。




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