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词汇 grafted
例句 If left, the sucker will flourish and the grafted rose will dwindle and perish for lack of sustenance.一旦疏于管理,根出条将会猛长,而嫁接的玫瑰就会因缺乏营养而枯死。He grafted the branch onto the apple tree.他将这根树枝嫁接到了苹果树上。The top layer of skin has to be grafted onto the burns.必须将表层皮肤移植到烫伤处。The surgeon grafted the dead man's kidneys into his patient.这位外科医生将死人的两个肾移植到他的病人身上。Pear saplings may be grafted onto apple trees.梨树苗可以嫁接到苹果树上。I knew she wanted to be with someone who knew what she'd been through. I admired the way she grafted on.我知道她想与了解她经历的人在一起。我很欣赏她的这种选择另一半与之结合的方式。New elements are being grafted onto our traditional form of government.在我们传统的政府模式中又加入了新的元素。Some cultivars root readily from cuttings but most must be grafted.一些栽培品种很容易通过插条繁育,但大多数必须通过嫁接。Pear trees are grafted on quince rootstocks.梨树被嫁接到榅的根茎上。Surgeons inserted a metal plate in the arm and grafted around it some small pieces of bone taken from the hip.外科医生将一块金属板嵌入手臂,然后在其周围移植了一些从髋部取下的小块骨头。




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