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例句 Longinus provides a sensitive reading of Sappho's poem.朗吉努斯以敏锐的理解力诠释了萨福的诗歌。The actress dared a new interpretation of the classic role.那位女演员敢于对这一经典角色做出新的诠释Not everybody agreed with the way she interpreted the violin concerto, but it was still a technically perfect performance.并非每人都同意她对那首小提琴协奏曲的诠释,但是她的演奏在技巧上仍是无懈可击。She ended the concert with a powerful rendition of "I Will Always Love You".她以对《我会永远爱你》的强有力的诠释结束了音乐会。The book graphs and annotates the hostility between generations.本书描绘并诠释了两代人之间的敌意。The writer takes well-known fairy tales and gives them an ironic twist.作者运用讽刺手法对家喻户晓的童话故事进行了新的诠释Laurence Olivier's portrayal of Hamlet was brilliant.劳伦斯·奥利弗非常出色地诠释了哈姆雷特这个角色。His interpretation of the poem is open to dispute.他对这首诗的诠释是有争议的。The newspapers all gave their own gloss on the president's offer.各家报纸都对总统的提议给出了自己的诠释These results must be interpreted cautiously.这些结果必须谨慎地加以诠释He illustrated his point with an anecdote.他用一则趣闻来诠释自己的观点。I was frankly astonished at the degree to which different singers can affect the interpretation of a song.我真的很惊讶,不同歌手对同一首歌的诠释的影响竟是如此不同。Even if her interpretation has not yet gelled into a satisfying whole, she displays real musicianship.即便她的诠释在整体上还不尽如人意,但她已经表现出了真正的音乐才能。The law is being interpreted too narrowly.对该法律的诠释过于狭隘。This is a faithful interpretation of Shakespeare's original text.它忠实地诠释了莎士比亚的原作。It was regarded as a very narrow interpretation of the law.这被认为是对法律非常狭隘的诠释It was an elastic interpretation of the rules of boxing.这是对拳击运动规则的灵活诠释The clothes you wear are a statement about yourself.衣着是对自我的一种诠释Beckett's play is open to various interpretations.贝克特的戏剧可有多种不同的诠释The theories are not reducible to easy interpretation.这些理论不能简单地加以诠释




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