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词汇 诡计
例句 You must forgive my little deception.你一定要原谅我小小的诡计It is now clear that this was a ruse to divide them.现在已清楚这是一个离间他们的诡计Ann quickly saw through his lies and deceptions.安很快就识破了他的谎言和诡计The attack may merely be a ruse by the enemy to distract our forces.这次进攻可能只是敌人用来分散我军力量的一个诡计罢了。This film has everything: passion, intrigue, and humour.这部影片包含了激情、诡计和幽默等各种元素。He spoke without artifice or pretense.他的话里既无诡计,也无假象。He is a simple man, totally lacking in guile.他很单纯,完全不会耍什么诡计He wasn't above using chicanery to win votes.他为赢得选票还是用了诡计His ostensible frankness covered a devious scheme.他表面上的坦率掩盖着心里的诡计It was a trick to persuade her to give him money.这是说服她给他钱的一个诡计I can't help feeling that this may just be another of her schemes.我不免觉得这可能只是她的又一个诡计The trick boomeranged.这个诡计让始作俑者自食其果。It's a sneaky way of getting people to buy something they don't need.那是一个诡计,让人买一些本不需要的东西。They cooked up a scheme to fool their neighbor.他们想出一个诡计愚弄邻居。Those were the dodges he used to escape taxation.那些是他用以逃税的诡计How could you fall for such an obvious trick?你怎么会对这么明显的诡计信以为真?Craft and cunning were necessary for the scheme to work.实施这个阴谋需要诡计和狡猾。He fiddled his way into a position of trust.他用诡计谋得了要职。That was a mean trick!那是一个卑劣的诡计I see now that her behavior was all part of an elaborate plan/plot/scheme.我现在明白了她的行为完全是精心策划/煞费苦心的诡计的一部分。He fell an easy prey to her wiles.他很容易地中了她的诡计This enabled us to see through their subtle scheme.这使我们得以识破他们的诡计




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