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词汇 该党
例句 The Party wanted root and branch electoral reform.该党希望对选举进行彻底的改革。The party is still trying to recover from the losses it suffered at last year's polls.该党仍努力从去年的大选失利中恢复过来。Several leading figures resigned from the party.数名重要人物退出了该党This matter will be decided by the party's national executive.此事将由该党的全国执行委员会决定。The election result was a personal triumph for the party leader.选举结果是该党领袖的个人胜利。The leaflet plainly states what the party's position is on immigration.传单明确阐述了该党在移民问题上的立场。The policy is outlined in the party's election manifesto.该党在竞选宣言中概述了它的政策。His candidacy has divided the party; while most have scorned him, others have sought to rehabilitate him.他的候选资格使该党出现分化;其中大多数人都嘲弄他,而另外一些人则想办法为他恢复名誉。Two factions of the party are at variance.该党内两派意见相左。The extremists have managed to regain control of the party.极端主义分子再次控制了该党The party is in some difficulty, but still has grassroots support.该党面临着一些困难,但是仍有着基层的支持。The party has not been listening to the concerns of its grass-roots supporters.该党没有倾听草根支持者的心声。Mr Meridor's father was a comrade-in-arms of the party's founder.梅里多先生的父亲是该党创始人的战友。The party's moderate leadership wants open relations with the West.该党温和的领导层想与西方建立公开的关系。The party is divided into two distinct camps over the legislation.该党在这项立法上很鲜明地分为两大阵营。The party has failed to get its message across to the voters.该党没能把意思清楚传达给选民。They helped to bankroll the party's general election campaign.他们参与资助了该党的大选。The party is still the second strongest in Italy.该党仍是意大利的第二大党。The party is deeply split on this issue.该党在这一问题上分歧严重。Many older people still remain faithful to the party.许多年纪较大的人仍对该党忠心耿耿。The party wavered between free trade and protectionism.该党在自由贸易和保护主义之间摇摆不定。He admitted that the party had followed policies now considered wrongheaded.他承认该党所奉行的政策现在看起来是错误的。At the apex of the party was Mosley.莫斯利身居该党的最高职位。The Party is using management consultants to help prepare for the next election.该党正在管理顾问的助力下为下一次选举做准备。The party strategy was to form an alliance to crush the communists.该党的战略是组成同盟彻底击败敌人。If the party unifies, the bill might become law.如果该党统一了,这一议案就可能成为法律。The party is accused of straying too far left.该党被指责过于左倾。In presenting a more professional image, the party risks losing its individuality.在向人展示出一种更加专业形象的同时,该党冒有丧失自身个性的风险。The party lost because it failed to balance economic growth with social equity.该党因为在经济增长与社会公平之间未能实现平衡而失利。Though shorn of some of its powers, the party remains in control.虽然被削去了一些权力,该党仍然掌握着控制权。Although a sympathizer, he never officially joined the party.他虽然是该党的支持者,却从未正式加入其中。His resignation came on the final day of the party congress.他的辞呈是在该党集会的最后一天上交的。There is disappointment among Labour voters that the party has not done more to help traditional industries.工党没有采取更多措施帮助传统工业,这使得该党的选民感到失望。Their protests stiffened the spines of party activists.他们的抗议坚定了该党积极分子的信念。His enthusiasm has obviously appealed to the party faithful.他的热诚对该党的忠实信徒显然有吸引力。The party needs to set out a clear direction of travel for health care.该党需要为卫生保健制度设定明确的目标。The Party is committed to sexual and racial equality.该党承诺性别及种族平等。The party was torn apart by wrangles over fiscal policy.该党内部因为在财政政策上争执不休而出现了分裂。The party aims to increase the number of women elected to Congress.该党的目标是增加当选为国会议员的妇女人数。These people are the party's natural constituency.这些人是该党的固有支持者。




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