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词汇 该公司
例句 The firm has suffered severe losses and seems generally to be in a bad way .该公司遭受了严重损失,似乎总体状况不佳。The company has made a conditional offer.该公司答应有条件地提供帮助。The company was penalized for selling more eggs than it was legally entitled to sell under quota rules.该公司因出售鸡蛋超过法定限额而受罚。The company ceased production at their Norwich plant last year.该公司去年停止了它在诺里奇的工厂的生产。The company is struggling.该公司勉强维持着。The company bought the land last year.该公司于去年买下了这块地。The company is a strong contender in the race for the Scottish newspaper group.该公司是苏格兰报业集团的有力竞争者。The company had a lot of problems initially, but they're getting there now.该公司起初有大量的问题,但现在已有所进展。That company had to file Chapter 11 because of insolvency.因为无力清偿债务,该公司只好申请破产。The company had behaved with typical shabbiness.该公司的行为一如既往地卑鄙。Anyone who has a legitimate grievance against the company can take it to the arbitration committee.任何人只要有充分的理由投诉该公司,均可交仲裁委员会处理。In the past five years the company has tripled its sales.过去五年中,该公司销售量增至三倍。The company has no serious competitors in this area.该公司在这个领域里没有真正的竞争对手。The company has strong financial backing.该公司有强大的资金支持。Keith joined the company as chief industrial engineer.基思成为该公司的工业总工程师。The Supreme Court lifted the company's immunity from criminal prosecution.最高法院撤销了该公司的刑事起诉豁免权。Her father's quite high up in the company.她爸爸在该公司职位很高。The company makes custom software to integrate information from older computers.该公司生产定制软件来整合旧电脑上的信息。It was obvious that the company was having second thoughts about the whole project.很显然,该公司对整个计划举棋不定。The company's annual report tried to gloss over recent heavy losses.该公司的年度报告试图掩盖近期的严重亏损。Service is that company's middle name.该公司以服务良好著称。The company is highly responsive to changes in demand.该公司对需求的变化反应特别迅速。The company is drilling for oil in the North Sea.该公司正在北海钻井开采石油。The company has spent several years tailoring the mentoring process to suit its own requirements.该公司几年来一直在改进辅导制流程,以使其适应公司自身需求。The company has a reputation for superior technology and customer loyalty.该公司以高超的技术和顾客忠诚著称。The company has been hard hit by the drop in consumer confidence.该公司遭到了消费者信心下滑的沉重打击。The company is in an economically vulnerable position.该公司目前经济状况不稳定。Insiders have been predicting that the company would be involved in a takeover bid for some time.知情者预测该公司可能卷入收购之中,且已经有一段时间了。When it was obvious the company was going bankrupt, the government ordered all their assets to be frozen.该公司很明显要破产倒闭时,政府下令冻结其全部资产。There was one caveat: he was not to enter into a merger or otherwise weaken the Roche family's control of the firm.有一点需要预先声明:他不得参与合并,或以其他方式削弱罗奇家族对该公司的控制。She was worried that the company wouldn't see any relationship between her work experience and the job she was applying for.她担心该公司一点都不明白她的工作经验与申请的职位之间的关系。The company's child safety seats did not meet the standards for crash safety.该公司的儿童安全座椅未能符合撞击安全标准。The company says that the dangers of driving while using cell phones have been overstated.该公司称,开车时打手机的危险被夸大了。The company has its base in London.该公司的总部设在伦敦。Not long after the chairman resigned, shares in the company tanked.董事长辞职后不久,该公司的股票就暴跌了。The company now makes much greater use of outside consultants.该公司现在对外聘顾问的利用更加充分。Critics accuse the company of acting too slowly in notifying residents of the chemical leak.批评者指责该公司没有及时把化学物泄漏的情况通知居民。The company can justifiably claim that it has met all its obligations.该公司有理由称自己已经承担了所有应承担的义务。The company has lost its way in recent years.最近几年该公司都没有一个明确的发展方向。The firm uses electronic filters to prevent workers from accessing the Internet.该公司利用电子过滤器来防止员工上因特网。




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