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词汇 graffiti
例句 They painted over the graffiti.他们用漆盖住了涂鸦。The graffiti on the wall said "Liverpool rules OK".满墙都是“利物浦队必胜”的涂鸦文字。The boys sprayed graffiti on the wall.这些男孩用喷枪在墙上涂鸦。The tag is the most commonly seen graffiti in any urban setting.在都市涂鸦中,签名涂鸦是最常见的。Several graffiti artists were caught in the act on the Brown River bridge.数名涂鸦艺术家在布朗河大桥上乱画,当场被抓。Racist graffiti was sprayed on the walls.墙上喷涂有种族主义的标语。The walls are daubed with graffiti.墙上涂满了乱七八糟的文字和图画。Everybody had read up on Indian gang problems, Indian graffiti, Indian homicides, child abuse, the whole schmear.有关印度的帮派犯罪、在公共场所乱写乱画、谋杀、虐待儿童等这一切问题,大家都阅读了大量资料。Equally obtrusive was the graffiti that had started to appear.同样惹眼的还有刚开始出现的涂鸦。They all bonded while writing graffiti together.他们都是在一起涂鸦时互相熟识的。Vandals had sprayed graffiti on the walls.破坏公物者在墙上喷涂了乱七八糟的图案和文字。The walls of the factory had been covered with graffiti.工厂的墙上尽是些乱涂乱画。The corridors are very dirty, and the walls are covered with graffiti.走廊非常脏,墙上涂满了乱七八糟的东西。Three students were excluded for scrawling graffiti on a school wall.三名学生因在学校墙上涂鸦被开除。Smooth, plain surfaces are particularly attractive to graffiti sprayers.光滑、平坦的墙面尤其能吸引喷绘涂鸦者。The wall is completely covered with graffiti.墙上满是涂鸦。The local police are hopeful of catching those responsible for the graffiti.当地警方有望把乱涂乱画的人抓起来。The buildings were covered with graffiti.建筑物上满是涂鸦。The school is free of graffiti and vandalism.校内已无乱涂乱画和破坏公物的现象。The building was defaced with graffiti.这座大楼被涂鸦弄得乱七八糟。The walls of the old building are covered with graffiti.那栋老楼的墙上满是涂鸦。The special paint is meant to be a deterrent to graffiti artists.这种特殊油漆应该能防止涂鸦。I caught my neighbour's son writing graffiti on our wall, the little squirt.邻居的儿子在我们的墙上乱写乱画时被我逮个正着,这个小东西。The maintenance programme will additionally seek to keep the sites free of graffiti.这个维护方案还会试图保护这些地点不被涂鸦。The subway walls are covered with graffiti.过街地道的墙上满是涂鸦。There's no vandalism, no graffiti, no rubbish left lying about.没有损害公共财物的行为,也没有涂鸦和随处丢弃的垃圾。Buildings old and new are thickly covered with graffiti.新老楼房上满是密密麻麻的涂鸦。Vandals disfigured the wall with graffiti.破坏公物者的涂鸦把墙壁搞得乱七八糟。




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