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词汇 anxious
例句 You misheard me. I said I was feeling anxious, not angry.你听错了。我是说我焦虑,不是生气。The police are anxious to hear from anyone who may know her.警方急切地希望任何可能认识她的人打电话来。I was introduced to the artist, whom I was anxious to meet.我被介绍给那位我很想结识的艺术家。They are anxious to demonstrate to the voters that they have practical policies.他们急于向选民证明自己有切实可行的政策。Tony looked tired and over-anxious.托尼看起来很疲惫而且过分焦虑。She was very anxious that her son should succeed.她非常希望她儿子会成功。After an anxious two-hour wait, I saw the doctor.焦急地等了两个小时后,我见到了医生。People are anxious about the future.人们对未来忧心忡忡。She's unused to flying and gets a little anxious in planes.她不习惯乘飞机,一上飞机便有点紧张。He was very anxious to prove he was a red-blooded male.他非常急切地想证明自己是一个精力充沛的男子。I'm very anxious about you.你让我非常焦虑。The government is anxious not to upset the economic equilibrium.政府急切希望不要打乱经济平衡。A month before the wedding Rose seemed nervous and anxious, and I wondered if she was getting cold feet.距婚礼还有一个月,罗丝似乎紧张不安,我怀疑她是不是要打退堂鼓。The little boy squirmed in his seat, anxious to get up and leave the table.小男孩在座位上扭动着,急着要站起来离开桌子。Gail seemed so anxious to do well, and she worked really hard.盖尔似乎很想干出点成绩来,所以她工作十分努力。Relatives now face an anxious wait while the emergency services search the wreckage for survivors.紧急应变机构在残骸中搜寻生还者的时候,亲属在焦急地等待。He is anxious that there should be no delay.他非常希望不会出现延误。The administration was clearly anxious not to rock the boat in its dealings with the unions.政府部门显然极不希望搞砸和工会进行的交易。His mother looked taut and anxious.他的母亲神色紧张,焦躁不安。They were anxious to bring the washing in before it rained.他们急于在下雨前把洗好的衣服收进屋子。It is not unnatural, perhaps, that you should feel anxious.你会感到焦虑可能是人之常情。He was waiting at the door with an anxious expression/look on his face.他一脸焦急地等在门口。He was anxious for more news.他迫切想知道更多消息。Students are understandably anxious about getting work after graduation.学生对毕业后找工作感到担忧,这是可以理解的。A newly-arrived executive is usually anxious to make his mark in a new firm.新上任的行政人员一般都急于要在新公司里做出一番成绩。They are anxious to develop friendly relations with their neighboring countries.他们急于同邻国发展友好关系。Her parents were anxious about her poor health.她的父母为她健康不佳而发愁。I am anxious that it shall be done in time.我急切地希望这件事及时做好。It cannot be wondered at that he should have been so anxious.他会如此焦急乃是意料中事。Tom and Sue were anxious to avoid any further confrontation.汤姆和休都急于避免进一步的冲突。The police are anxious to apprehend a middle-aged man believed to be armed with a gun.警察急于逮捕一名确信携有枪枝的中年人。It was snowing hard and we were anxious to get home.雪下得很大,我们迫切希望回到家里。The Government was anxious to score over the opposition in the education debate.政府迫切希望在教育辩论上击败反对党。I do get a little anxious once in a while.我的确偶尔会有点担心。It was a stealthy sound made by someone anxious not to be heard.这是有人不想让别人听到而偷偷摸摸移动的声音。Miles was anxious to gain his boss's approval, and was always the last to leave the office in the evening.迈尔斯渴望得到老板的赞许,晚上总是最后一个离开办公室。She looked anxious and tightened her grip on her shoulder bag.她看上去很不安,把手提包抓得更紧了。He's not the nervy, anxious type who suffers from the yips.他不是那种会紧张不安以致颤搐的选手。Henry seems anxious to return to more familiar ground.亨利似乎急切地想回到他更熟悉的话题。A cluster of people, all anxious to shake his hand, formed around the speaker.一群人围在演讲者的身边,都急着想跟他握手。




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