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词汇 distorted
例句 The sound of the guitar was distorted.吉他的声音跑调了。The music just gets distorted when you play it so loud.音乐的声音放得太大就会失真。Sound was becoming more and more distorted through the use of hearing aids.使用助听器会使声音变得越来越失真。This report may have given me a distorted perspective.这份报告可能给了我一个歪曲的视角。The programme presented a distorted picture of her life.这个节目歪曲地呈现了她的人生。When I have a migraine, I can't stand up without vomiting and my vision is distorted.我偏头痛发作的时候,一站起来就要呕吐,看到的东西也变形。After treatment, her distorted hip had straightened, so that her legs were the same length.经过治疗,她那变形的臀部变直了,所以两条腿也一样长了。Readers are given a distorted version of America and American life.读者看到的被歪曲的美国和美国生活。Her reflection in the mirror looked distorted.她在镜子里的模样看起来变形了。These figures give a distorted view of the significance for the local economy.这些数字使人误解其对当地经济的重要性。Her actions and thoughts became distorted. So did her behavior.她的行动和思想变得扭曲了,她的态度也是。He claims his statements have been maliciously distorted.他声称他的话被恶意歪曲了。The magnetism in the rock could produce distorted compass readings.岩石的磁力会使指南针的读数变得不准确。Ideals became distorted into ego trips.各种理想都被歪曲为图谋私利。This report gives a somewhat distorted impression of what actually happened.这篇报道有些失实。The minister has said his remarks at the weekend have been distorted.部长说他周末的讲话被曲解了。He had a distorted view of the situation.他对局势的看法是歪曲的。Her face was distorted by pain.她疼得脸都扭曲了。She doubled over, her face distorted in anguish.她弓着身子,脸痛得变了形。The book leaves you with a distorted impression of politics.这部书会让你对政治产生歪曲的印象。His account was badly distorted by the press.他的话遭到了报界的严重歪曲。She screamed, her face distorted with fury and pain.她尖叫着,她的脸因愤怒和痛苦而扭曲。He has a very distorted view of life in general.他对生活的看法有很大偏差。The story was distorted by the press.媒体进行了歪曲报道。The loss of both her parents at an early age distorted her outlook on life.早年失去双亲扭曲了她的人生观。His voice was distorted by interference.他的声音由于干扰而失真了。Radio talk programmes present a distorted picture of public opinion.电台谈话节目呈现的是被歪曲的公众舆论。He charged that his assistant had distorted the data.他说他的助手窜改了那些数据。The minister's remarks have been distorted.部长的言论被曲解了。His size was persistently distorted by the cartoonists.他的身材一再遭到漫画家扭曲。His voice sounded distorted over the phone.电话里他的声音有些失真。The image was distorted and sentimentalized by the press.形象被报刊歪曲,带上了浪漫色彩。The odd camera angle distorted her figure in the photograph.怪异的拍摄角度使她在照片上的形象走样了。Sound was becoming more and more distorted through the use of hearing aids.使用助听器使声音变得越来越失真。As a result of the crash, the remains of the vehicles were distorted out of all recognition.这些车辆因为撞击的缘故都变形了,以致无法辨认。His face was distorted in agony.他的脸因痛苦而扭曲。These incidents were grossly distorted by police witnesses.警方目击证人大大歪曲了这些事件。Lawyers distorted the truth about the deal.律师们歪曲了有关此交易的真相。My original statement has been completely distorted by the media.我最初的说法被媒体彻底歪曲了。Newspaper readers are usually given a simplified and often distorted version of events.报纸读者通常看到的报道是将事件简单化了,往往还歪曲了。




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