例句 |
The paper was accused of distorting the truth.这家报纸被指控歪曲真相。She felt he was distorting the facts.她觉得他在歪曲事实。They seem to have no scruples about distorting the truth.他们对歪曲事实似乎没有丝毫的良心不安。Their vision is skewed by the distorting lenses.他们看到的东西因变形透镜而变得歪歪扭扭。He was accused of grossly distorting the facts.他被指责严重歪曲事实。Journalists were accused of sensationalizing the story and distorting the facts.记者们被指责对事件大肆渲染并歪曲事实。Most comedy relies on distorting reality.喜剧大多依赖于扭曲现实。 |