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词汇 distraction
例句 Driven to distraction, he murdered the woman who jilted him.他受刺激失去理智,谋杀了抛弃他的那个女人。Her flatmate's new boyfriend is driving her to distraction.室友的新男友让她心烦意乱。Demands for equality were seen as a distraction from more serious issues.要求平等被视为转移对更严重问题注意力的手段。The mosquitoes drive me to distraction.蚊子搞得我心烦意乱。Their endless chatter drove her to distraction.他们喋喋不休,让她心神不宁。Kemp shut his eyes to admit of no distraction.肯普闭上眼睛,以免分散注意力。He found reading to be a good distraction. 他发现读书是个很好的消遣。They were driven to distraction by the flies.他们被苍蝇搅得烦透了。A weekend at the beach was a good distraction from her troubles.到海滩度周末是让她远离烦恼的不错的消遣。She was driven to distraction by his constant whistling.她被他不停的口哨声吵得忍无可忍。I feel this is getting to be a distraction from what I really want to do.我觉得这开始让我无法专心于真正想做的事情。She worked hard all morning, without distraction.她埋头工作了整整一个上午,一点儿也没分心。He loves her to distraction.他爱她爱得发疯。They see engagement with others as a dangerous distraction from their own personal journey of self-discovery.他们把与他人的密切关系视为自我发现之旅的危险干扰。My kids drive me to distraction at times.孩子们有时令我心情烦躁。The child's continual crying drove me to distraction.孩子不停地啼哭,吵得我快要发疯了。A demanding child can drive parents to distraction.一个难伺候的孩子能把父母逼疯。I can turn the television off if you find it a distraction.如果你觉得电视让你思想无法集中,我可以关掉。The TV provided a distraction from his work.电视使他能摆脱工作放松放松。Their national distraction is going to the disco.他们的全民消遣就是去蹦迪。Football is a welcome distraction, because country life can be hard.足球是一项广受欢迎的消遣,因为乡村生活有时会很艰苦。Her odd appearance is a major distraction whenever she is on screen.无论何时她出现在屏幕上,她怪异的外表总是很碍眼。She said the publicity over the photograph was a distraction from the real issues of the campaign.她说,媒体对这张照片的炒作转移了人们对竞选中实质问题的注意。Becca used the distraction to make a run for it.贝卡趁乱逃之夭夭。The baby's constant crying drove me to distraction.婴儿不停地哭,真要把我给逼疯了。One of them created a distraction while the other grabbed the money.他们当中一个人引开注意力,另一个抢钱。A Londoner born and bred, she suspected that a month in the country would bore her to distraction.作为一个土生土长的伦敦人,她不相信在乡下呆一个月就会令她心烦意乱。She caused a distraction by setting off the alarm.她弄响了警报,造成了混乱。After a spell of hard work I found boating a wholesome distraction.在辛苦工作一段时间后,我觉得划船是有益的消遣。A very clingy child can drive a parent to distraction.非常黏人的孩子会把父母搞得心烦意乱。Work was a welcome distraction from her problems at home.工作正好把她的注意力从家庭问题上转移开。He worked without distraction.他心无旁骛地工作。




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