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词汇 going out of
例句 Open-plan offices are going out of fashion.开放式办公室逐渐不时兴了。I was squired going out of the border.我被护送出了国境线。I don't like going out of my depth in the sea.我不喜欢到海中水深没顶的深处。I am going out of my mind with worry.我担心得快发疯了。Small grocery stores are going out of business in the face of stiff competition from the large supermarket chains.面对大型超市连锁店的激烈竞争,小杂货店纷纷歇业。She was gulping down sandwiches and cakes as if they were going out of style.她大吃三明治和蛋糕,吃得又快又多。Many small farms are going out of business.许多小农场纷纷倒闭。Word on the street is that the company is going out of business. 有传言说那家公司濒临破产。It's no wonder the piano kept going out of tune.难怪钢琴一直不在调上。"I saw her going out of the main entrance half an hour ago," he volunteered.“我见她在大约半个小时之前从主出入口走了出来。”他主动说道。Our favorite store's going out of business.我们最喜欢的商店就要停业了。I feel like I'm losing my mind. = I feel like I'm going out of my mind. 我感觉自己快要疯了。Marriage seems to be going out of fashion.婚姻似乎快要过时了。




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