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词汇 glass
例句 He knocked a glass over.他把玻璃杯打翻了。You can hang lengths of fabric behind the glass.你可以在玻璃后面挂几条织品。Huge plate-glass windows came crashing down.巨大的平板玻璃窗哗啦一声掉了下来。Fritz deposited a glass and two bottles of beer in front of Wolfe.弗里茨把一个玻璃杯和两瓶啤酒放在沃尔夫面前。She poured some vodka into a glass and knocked it back in two swallows.她往玻璃杯里倒了一些伏特加酒,两口就喝完了。I poured us a glass of sherry.我给大家倒了一杯雪利酒。I took a glass of champagne from the tray the waiter held out.我从服务员端出的托盘中拿过一杯香槟。She is reported to have thrown a glass of wine at her former boss.据报道,她向前任老板泼了一杯葡萄酒。The window is made from very strong glass - it won't shatter.窗户用的是强化玻璃——不会碎。A boy had his nose squashed up against the glass.一个小男孩的鼻子在玻璃上被挤扁了。The machine extrudes enough molten glass to fill the mold.机器挤压出足够的玻璃液填满模具。She lowered the glass with calculated slowness.她有意慢慢地放低了玻璃杯。Jan was sweeping up the bits of paper and broken glass.简在清扫纸屑和碎玻璃。The glass doors of the kitchen were steamed up.厨房的玻璃门上蒙着一层水汽。In case of fire, break the glass.如遇火灾,请击碎玻璃。A minute examination revealed fingerprints on a glass.经详细检查后发现一只玻璃杯上留有指纹印。I cut my hand on a piece of glass from the broken window.我的手被破窗户上的一块玻璃割伤了。She swanned into the room, carrying a glass of wine, taking no notice of the fact that she'd kept us all waiting for hours.她拿着一杯葡萄酒悠然走进房间,丝毫没有注意到已经让我们等了好几个小时了。He looked at her vague shape through the frosted glass.他透过雾蒙蒙的眼镜注视着她模糊的身形。There is no glass in the front door to let in light.前门没有玻璃,光线照不进来。She filled each glass to the brim.她把每个杯子都斟得满满的。She rolled down the window a little to clear the mist on the glass.她把车窗摇下来一点,以便去除玻璃上的水汽。They crept up to the glass doors and peeped inside.他们爬到玻璃门跟前,向里面窥视。So when did you start collecting antique glass?那你是从什么时候开始收集古董玻璃制品的?He cut his finger on the broken glass.他在碎玻璃上划破了手指。The impact of the crash splintered the glass.碰撞时的冲击力使玻璃裂成了碎片。The jeweler examined the diamond with a magnifying glass.珠宝商用放大镜仔细观察钻石。We had frosted glass put in the bathroom window.我们在浴室的窗户上安装了磨砂玻璃。We found no prints on either the glass or the telephone.玻璃杯和电话上我们都没有发现指纹。She nudged the glass towards me.她将杯子轻轻推向我。For lunch I had cheese with a hunk of bread and a glass of red wine.午饭我吃了干酪和一大块面包,还有一杯红葡萄酒。I cut my hand on some broken glass.我被碎玻璃割破了手。Boris took out a bottle and a glass.鲍里斯掏出一个瓶子和一个玻璃杯。He'd left sticky fingermarks all over the glass.玻璃上到处是他黏糊糊的手指留下的痕迹。He filled my glass with beer.他给我的杯子斟满了啤酒。He breathed on the glass and wiped it clean.他冲玻璃呵口气,然后再把它擦干净。Some of those glass shoeboxes have been plonked down at random in the city center.市中心随意竖起了几栋鞋盒式玻璃建筑。One of the children had cut her foot on some glass.其中有个小孩踩在玻璃上割破了脚。Marcie said she'd cut herself on a broken glass.玛茜说她被一块碎玻璃划伤了。Jo sloshed more wine into her glass.乔往她杯子里哗啦哗啦地倒了更多的酒。




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