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She swapped her plain suit for an absurdly girlie dress.她用朴素的套装换了一条滑稽的女孩子气的裙子。Price seem absurdly low to Western tourists.在西方游客眼里,价格低得出奇。She was absurdly young to be in such a demanding job.她这么年轻就承担这样一个费力的工作,简直令人无法相信。It seemed an absurdly high sum to pay for a coat.买件外套这个价钱好像高得离谱了。The chamber was absurdly overwrought, the ceiling painted with naked deities cavorting, the walls lined with mirrors.这个大厅考究得离谱,天花板上绘着赤身欢乐的女神,墙壁上贴着镜子。The directions were absurdly complicated.这些说明复杂得可笑。I felt absurdly tired after our meeting.我们开完会后,我感到疲惫不堪。Prices were still absurdly low, in his opinion.在他看来,价格依然低得离谱。 |