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词汇 giving
例句 She's in a funk about giving her talk on Sunday.她在为星期天的演讲犯愁。Dr Hebden will be giving a lecture later this week on the role of women in the economy.赫布登博士本周稍后将就妇女在经济中的角色举行讲座。The lawyer asked the jury to take cognizance of the defendant's generosity in giving to charity.律师请求陪审团要考虑到被告对慈善事业的慷慨捐助。I tried to mollify her by giving her flowers.我试图通过送花来抚慰她。She left the company because her boss was giving her a really hard time.她离开公司是因为老板动不动就骂她。The restaurant slowly revolves, giving excellent views of the city.餐厅慢慢地旋转着,城市美景尽收眼底。She had formed the habit of giving herself freely to men.她已经养成了对男人投怀送抱的习惯。He believed in giving his staff scope for initiative.他认为应给员工提供发挥主动性的机会。I was on the point of giving up the search when something caught my eye in the bushes.我正要放弃搜索,这时注意到灌木丛中有什么东西。He was suffering from all the classic withdrawal symptoms associated with giving up heroin.他表现出了戒除海洛因过程中的所有典型症状。We're giving up too many points - we have to bear down.我们放弃太多点了——我们得加把劲呀。He was giving his collection away for nothing.他将收藏品无偿捐献出来。She certainly likes giving orders.她确实爱发号施令。Lent is a time of cleansing, fasting, abstinence and giving to the poor.四旬斋期间是净化心灵、禁食并布施穷苦人的时候。If you do that again, you're getting a time-out! = If you do that again, I'm giving you a time-out!如果你再那样做,就得去端坐思过了!He says he's lost too many years to the bottle, and that he's giving up alcohol.他说酗酒使他失去了太多的年华,所以他正在戒酒。He salves his conscience by giving money to charity.他通过向慈善机构捐款来使自己良心得到宽慰。The US is giving low-cost loans to help under-developed countries in the region.美国将提供低息贷款来帮助该地区的不发达国家。I am all for cutting carbon dioxide emissions, but that would be much more easily achieved by giving subsidies to windpower, than with nuclear power.我完全赞成减少二氧化碳的排放,但是,相比发展核能,对发展风能提供补贴更容易实现这一目标。Several men were giving her the eye across the bar.几个男人在吧台对面向她眉目传情。It's a very one-sided relationship, where you do all the giving.你们之间的关系太不平等了,一直是你在付出。Don't look now, but that guy over there is really giving you the eye.现在别看了,不过那边那个家伙确实在向你眉目传情。The orchestra is giving a series of concerts to raise money for charity.管弦乐队将为慈善筹款举办一系列音乐会。A new phone company is giving the others a run for their money.一家新电话公司给其他公司造成了强大的竞争压力。He wanted her at any cost, even if it meant giving up everything he had.他不惜一切代价要得到她,即使这意味着放弃他自己所拥有的一切。You're being very foolish, giving away money like that.你像那样赠送钱财是十分愚蠢的。The charity approached several stores about giving food aid.慈善机构找了几家商店,请求他们给予食品援助。Evans was given a light sentence in return for giving information to the police.埃文斯因向警方举报被从轻判决。She never once thought of giving up. Everyone admired her fighting spirit.她从未想到放弃。大家都很钦佩她的斗志。Leaflets giving details are available on request.介绍详情的传单承索即得。I think my theory could be best explained by giving an example from everyday life.我想我的理论举个日常生活中的例子就能解释得最清楚。The job wasn't giving him the breadth of experience he wanted.这个工作不像他希望的那样能让他有多方面的经验。I was on the brink of giving up the project altogether.我就要完全放弃该项目了。My car has been giving me a lot of trouble lately.我的车最近一直出毛病。He screamed off and we could hear him giving it some stick around the estate.他拼命尖叫,我们在庄园周围都能听见他用力大叫的声音。Some people even claimed that he appointed his political rival only in the belief that he was giving him a poisoned chalice and that he would not last more than a year.有人甚至说,他之所以任命自己的政治对手,是因为他知道所给的职位是杯诱人的毒酒,接受者肯定撑不过一年。Maynard spent a year travelling through Europe and Asia, giving lectures.梅纳德花了一年的时间在欧洲和亚洲游历讲学。Companies should not have the right to intrude into employees’ personal lives by giving them psychological tests.公司无权对员工进行心理测试来干预他们的个人生活。He kept giving me suggestive looks.他一直用挑逗的目光看我。They're giving out free samples of the new toothpaste.他们在发放新牙膏的免费试用装。




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