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词汇 地走了
例句 She checked her makeup one last time, and then walked out with a spring in her step.她最后检查了一下妆容,然后步履轻盈地走了出去。They went off arm in arm.他们臂挽臂地走了He came striding up the path.他沿着小路大步流星地走了过来。The two girls went off arm in arm.两位姑娘臂挽臂地走了The maid, casting black looks, hurried out.女仆狠狠瞪了几眼就匆匆忙忙地走了出去。She went without a backward glance.她头也不回地走了He turned and majestically stalked away.他一转身昂首阔步地走了The three departed, teetering on their high heels.她们三个穿着高跟鞋摇摇晃晃地走了She breezed by without saying a word.她一句话也没说,自信地走了过去。I wondered how he had sneaked up so quietly.我奇怪他怎么会这样悄无声息地走了过来。He took a few wonky steps before dropping dead.他在暴毙之前还摇摇欲坠地走了几步。The baby took a few halting steps.婴儿蹒跚地走了几步。She checked her make-up one last time, and then walked out with a spring in her step.她最后检查了一下妆容,然后步履轻盈地走了出去。He shook his head in disgust and stalked off, muttering.他反感地摇了摇头,嘴里咕哝着大踏步地走了He turned abruptly and strode off down the corridor.他突然转身,沿走廊大步流星地走了The door of the study was open, and without premeditation he turned into it.书房的门开着,他不假思索地走了进去。I heard the door knob turning, and then Frank opened the door and tiptoed in.我听到门把手转动的声音,然后弗兰克打开门,蹑手蹑脚地走了进来。Then she swung around and swept out, banging the door behind her.然后她转过身来昂首阔步地走了出去,咣当一声把门带上。He left in dejection.他垂头丧气地走了She stalked off, leaving them all staring after her.她昂首阔步地走了,剩下他们目不转睛地盯着她的背影。The sailor went through all the motions smartly.这个水手机灵地走了走过场。The swelling had begun to go down, and he was able, with pain, to hobble.肿胀已经开始消退,他能忍着痛一瘸一拐地走了I got up and walked calmly out into the early evening.傍晚时分我起身平静地走了出去。She took a few shaky steps before she collapsed.她颤颤巍巍地走了几步就倒下了。He strode off down the corridor.他沿走廊大步流星地走了The villagers straggled in in threes and fours.村民们三五成群地走了进来。She tempested out.她狂怒地走了出去。She just walked past with her nose in the air.她目中无人地走了过去。The new secretary left in aggravation when they mentioned her mistakes.当他们提到她的错误时,新秘书恼怒地走了He tried to walk, but managed only a few shaky steps.他试图走起来,但只颤颤巍巍地走了几步。Abby came in with a broad smile on her face.阿比满面笑容地走了进来。Everyone came tumbling out of the bar at closing time.酒吧关门时每个人都跌跌撞撞地走了出来。Mike stormed out after a row.迈克大吵大闹后气冲冲地走了出去。Charles flung off in a rage.查尔斯怒气冲冲地走了He took a few experimental steps forward, then carefully took the descending steps.他向前试探地走了几步,然后小心翼翼地向下走去。He indicated my simple tasks and without more ado set off at an amble.他对我交代了几项简单的工作,随即不慌不忙地走了He hurried through the streets until he reached Bill's house.他匆匆地走了几条街才来到比尔的家。After a bit of an argument, he stormed out.争吵了几句后,他气冲冲地走了出去。Now that I've told you everything, I can leave with a clear conscience.如今我已将一切都告诉了你,我可以问心无愧地走了He came in panting after running up the steps.他跑上台阶后气喘吁吁地走了进来。




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