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You have to get eight wooden posts, and drive them into the ground.你得找来八根木桩,并把它们敲入地里。I felt as if I were in a looking-glass world where everything goes the wrong way.我感到自己好像是在一个哈哈镜天地里,一切都是颠三倒四的。He cut a swath through the field with his scythe.他用镰刀在地里割出了一块开阔地。The bush grows well in a sandy soil.这种灌木在沙质土地里生长良好。Before it got dark the campers put up their tent in a field.天黑前,野营者在地里搭起了帐篷。This year on my allotment, I had the best ever crop of onions.今年在我的小块菜地里,我种的洋葱获得了前所未有的大丰收。He worked in the field during most of the day.他一天大部分时间都在地里干活。The farmer sowed the field with wheat.农夫在地里播上小麦种子。Groups of children were playing in the dirt.成群的孩子在泥地里玩。He planted fields full of sunflowers.他在地里种满了向日葵。First, you'll have to ram the posts into the ground.首先,你必须把桩打进地里。He went swooshing through the mud.他嗖嗖地在泥地里走过。With a heavy swing of the mallet, he drove the post into the ground.他用木槌一记重敲将柱子打入地里。The stubble was burning in the fields.地里的麦茬正在燃烧。The dewy woodland was solitary and still.露湿的林地里一片孤寂和静谧。Get off my land!别到我的地里来!The front end of the locomotive nosed up in the air and the tracks dug into the ground.机车车头翘到半空,铁轨陷进地里。He farmed his pickers to work in the beet fields.他出租他的摘棉工去甜菜地里干活。Plant out the spring cabbage whenever opportunities arise.一有机会就把春季卷心菜移种到地里。Treasure has been unearthed on his property.从他家地里挖出了财宝。The machine distributes the seeds evenly on the ground.这台机器把种子均匀地播撒到地里。Mustard is grown in the field when weeds are there, rather than when the growing crops are there.芥菜要在地里长杂草而不是长庄稼时种植。He thrust his spade into the ground.他把铁锹插进地里。These fields used to be sown with oats.这些地里过去种的是燕麦。On Wednesday we cleared a beach and woodland of litter.我们周三清理了海滩和林地里的垃圾。A hen was pecking a worm from the ground.一只母鸡正从地里啄虫子吃。The telegraph-poles are fast in the ground.电线杆牢牢扎在地里。The farmers burnt off the fields.农夫们把地里的草木烧除。He sank the spade into the ground, and went at it.他把铁锹插到地里,开始卖力地干了起来。Let's take a shortcut and cut across this field.我们抄近路,从这片地里穿过去吧。Police found tyre tracks in the mud.警方在泥地里发现了轮胎印。People were working in the fields.人们正在地里干活儿。Plants suck up moisture from the earth.植物从地里吸收水分。He drove the tent stake far into the ground.他把支帐篷的木桩深深地插进地里。Eddie often poaches pheasants on Brian's land.埃迪经常在布赖恩的地里偷捕野鸡。They spent much of their time knee-deep in mud.他们在没膝深的泥地里费了好长时间。We slid through the opening into the field.我们通过那个洞溜到那块地里。She withdrew into her own world.她把自己封闭在个人的天地里。We seeded the field with corn.我们在地里播种了玉米。Three untended horses grazed in the field.三匹无人看管的马在地里吃草。 |