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词汇 地被
例句 The land was developed for low-cost housing.这块土地被开发来建造廉价住宅。The vegetable plots were sectioned off by a low wall.地被一道矮墙隔开。The company has steadily been losing market share to Boeing and Airbus.该公司的市场份额持续不断地被波音公司和空中客车公司抢走。The area was cut up into three separate farms.这片地被分成三个独立的农场。Despite himself, he found himself being drawn in by the man's warmth and ease.他不由自主地被那人的热情与随和所吸引。They were slaughtered to a man.他们无一例外地被屠杀。I was carried upstairs, arms waving and legs kicking.我就这样又是挥手又是踢腿地被带上了楼。This is a problem that recurs with increasing frequency.这是一个日益频繁地被重提的问题。With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural habitat.大片林地被砍伐,很多野生动物在失去它们的天然栖息地。This land is zoned for public use.这块土地被划为公用。Their ancient tribal lands have been taken away.他们部落古老的土地被抢夺走了。The balance of animal populations would be grossly upset very rapidly unless the law of requisite variety held in general throughout nature.除非必要品种规律在整个自然界起支配作用,否则动物种群的平衡就会迅速地被全面打破。The remaining block of woodland is cut down to ground level.剩下的一块林地被砍得精光。The land was expropriated by the state.这块地被州政府征用了。The land was comparted by a river.地被河流隔成两部分。I stupidly let myself be persuaded to take part in a live debate.我傻乎乎地被人说服去参加一个现场辩论会。The land was appropriated by the company.这块土地被该公司占用了。A few acres of the city were set apart for a park.这个城市有几英亩地被留作公园用地了。Innocence is often personified as a child.天真无邪常常拟人化地被表现为儿童形象。Fran began her automatic patter about how Jon had been unavoidably detained.弗兰开始不由自主地唠叨起乔恩是怎样无可避免地被扣留的。One by one, the old members of the band were being squeezed out.乐队的老成员一个接一个地被排挤出去。He refused to talk to reporters and was whisked away by the authorities to an undisclosed location.他拒绝和记者说话,并迅速地被当局带到一个保密的地点。The robbers got caught with their pants down.强盗们作案时出其不意地被逮个正着。The land was cleared and grassed over.这片地被清理出来种满了草。The play translated quite successfully to the big screen.这部剧很成功地被搬上大银幕。A large piece of land along the river was sold for development.河畔的一大片土地被售出用作楼盘开发。It was all there, faithfully recorded in his uncle's formal style.事情就是这样,原原本本地被他叔叔正式记录了下来。The land is clothed in dense green forests.地被茂密的绿色森林覆盖着。Browne was caught using drugs, and was sent home from the private school in disgrace.布朗使用毒品被人发现,很不体面地被私立学校遣送回家。His life has been cruelly shattered by an event not of his own making.他的一生悲惨地被一件原本与他无关的事毁了。Sontag was once famously described as the most intelligent woman in America.桑塔格曾经众所周知地被描述为美国最聪明的女士。The land has been turned over to sugar production.这块土地被改用作生产蔗糖。I found myself irresistibly drawn to Steve's world.我发现自己不由自主地被史蒂夫的世界所吸引。It was the height of summer and the land was parched and brown.当时正值盛夏,土地被晒得又干又黑。Cross-currents can sweep the strongest swimmer helplessly away.即使最强壮的游泳者也会无助地被交叉水流冲走。The land has been developed for tourism and other recreational uses.这块土地被开发作旅游及其他娱乐之用。He was ignominiously dismissed for taking a bribe.他因收受贿赂丢人现眼地被撤了职。Both sides were drawn, willy-nilly, into the conflict.双方都不由自主地被卷进了冲突中。The land was transferred by deed.根据地契这块土地被转让了。One by one the old buildings in the city have been demolished and replaced with new high rises.这座城市里的旧楼一幢接一幢地被拆除,取而代之的是现代化的高楼大厦。




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