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Although Stewart did not get on the scoresheet, he was directly involved in both goals.尽管斯图尔特没有进球,但两个进球他都直接参与了助攻。Brothers and sisters do not always get on.兄弟姐妹们并非总能合得来。She was tired of all the nitpicking and wanted to get on with the project.她厌倦了为鸡毛蒜皮的事争来争去,想把项目继续下去。Things are starting to get on top of him.事情开始压得他受不住了。The word was finally given for us to get on board.终于通知我们登乘了。What are your neighbours like? Do you get on with them?你的邻居怎么样?跟他们相处得好吗?One of the other passengers who was queueing to get on the train suddenly had a heart attack.排队上火车的乘客中有人突然心脏病发作。I wish you'd make an effort to get on with my friends.我希望你能尽量和我的朋友们合得来。I'll steady the horse while you get on.你上马的时候我来稳住马。He's one of the straddlers who gets on with both candidates.他是那种两边讨好的人,跟两位候选人关系都不错。Stop playing about and get on with doing your homework.别再胡闹了,做你的家庭作业去。As they plodded along, his silence began to get on her nerves.两人缓缓地走着,他的沉默令她心烦意乱。If you are going to do it, you'd better get on the stick.如果你要做这件事的话,你就好好干。I'll get on to the manager.我去跟经理接头。The Macedonian question had failed to get on to the agenda.马其顿问题没能列入议事日程。Stop playing around and get on with your homework!别瞎闹了,抓紧做你的家庭作业吧!He should get on famously with Ozzy.他应当和奥齐和睦共处。I need to get on with my homework.我得继续做家庭作业。She used to get on well with her neighbours but now things aren't very friendly.她过去和邻里相处得不错,可现在不是很和睦了。Pushing people aside to get on a bus is a sample of his bad manners.推开别人挤上公共汽车是他行为不文明的一例。He's sure to get on in the world.他一定会出人头地。They tried to get on in life with their skill and wisdom.他们试图凭自己的技术与才智飞黄腾达。If you get on the wrong side of him he can be very mean.你要是惹烦他的话,他会很刻薄的。You've got brains, you've got ideas, now get on with it.你脑子聪明,又有点子,那就继续做下去吧。Be careful not to get on the wrong side of her.小心,别得罪她。I don't get on with his lefty friends.我和他的左翼朋友合不来。You'll get on well as long as the boss smiles on you.只要老板偏爱你,你会很顺利的。How did you get on in the examinations, and when will you know the results?这次考试你考得怎么样,成绩什么时候知道? Trust me. You don't want to get on his bad side. 相信我。你可不想惹恼他吧。We can get on just fine without them.没有他们我们也能行。She should take her claws out of Tom and let him get on with his life.她不该再死死地缠着汤姆,应该让他继续自己的生活。The people who get on are the ones who create their own opportunities.成功人士都是那些会自己创造机会的人。I'll try to get on the flight down to Karachi tonight.我尽量赶上今晚去卡拉奇的航班。Stop fooling around and get on with your work.别吊儿郎当了,继续干活吧。Just as we were beginning to get on with each other again, Jackie came and stirred things up.就在我们再和好起来的时候,杰姬来挑拨了一下。Come on kids! Simmer down and get on with your work!快点儿,孩子们!安静下来开始做功课!He believes that, historically, Labour has been most successful as the party that helped people get on in life.他相信一直以来工党在帮助人民改善生活方面表现最为出色。Stop whingeing and get on with it.别抱怨了,继续做吧。Whatever you do, don't get on the wrong side of him!不管你做什么,都不能失去他的欢心!Let's get on to more important matters.咱们谈谈更重要的事吧。 |