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词汇 German
例句 The German invasion of Poland was a prelude to World War II.德国入侵波兰是第二次世界大战的序幕。The game ended in a well-deserved victory for the German team.比赛以德国队获胜告终,这是理所当然的。The novel is set in the fictional German town of Kreiswald.这部小说以虚构的德国小镇克赖斯瓦尔德为背景。German is my second language.德语是我的第二语言。He didn't want to go against the wishes of the German government.他不想违抗德国政府的意愿。Chancellor Helmut Kohl was the leading cheerleader for German unification.赫尔穆特·科尔总理是德国统一的主要倡导者。Users say the word they want in English and the translator speaks the equivalent word back in French, German, or Spanish.使用者用英语说出他们想表达的词,翻译用法语、德语或西班牙语说出对应词。Several buildings were looted, including the house of the German ambassador.一些房屋被洗劫一空,其中包括德国大使的房子。The President's stay in the German capital was the undisputed climax of his trip.毫无疑问,总统在德国首都的逗留是他整个旅程的高潮。He had a slight German accent.他略微带德国口音。A German company launched a takeover bid for the company.一家德国公司试图收购这家公司。The ineptitude of German policy is striking.德国政策的拙劣引人注目。It's so long since I spoke German, I'd have to go right back to the beginning if I took a class in it now.我很久没讲德语了,如果我现在上德语课,就得从头学起。How long have you been learning German?你学德语多久了?The commander of the German task force radioed that he was breaking off the action.德国特遣部队指挥官用无线电发报称他将中止这次行动。Diplomatically, the Franco-German alliance has proved unshakeable.从外交上来讲,法德联盟已证明是不可动摇的。Horst, a German from Hamburg, was a true original.来自德国汉堡的霍斯特是个名副其实的怪人。Luckily I had a friend with me who spoke German.幸好当时有个会讲德语的朋友和我在一起。The students were tested on their German.学生参加德语测验。Yiddish is a dialect of German with a mixture of Polish and Hebrew added.意第绪语是一种德语方言,还混合了一点波兰语和希伯来语。I took a class to brush up my German before the trip.我在旅行前去听课来提高我的德语水平。The German army had parachuted troops into Norway.德军早把部队空投到挪威。Why does German industry enjoy such a ready supply of well-trained and well-motivated workers?为什么德国工业能有如此现成的训练有素且积极肯干的劳动力资源呢?Rachel already knows as many words in German as she does in English.雷切尔掌握的德语词汇已经和她掌握的英语词汇一样多了。German armoured divisions pierced the Russian lines.德国的装甲师突破了俄国的防线。I know some German, but my grammar isn't very good.我会一些德语,但语法不是很好。German fairy stories retold in English用英语复述的德国童话故事German militarism was even then evident, a portent of the great conflict to come.德国的穷兵黩武政策甚至在当时就已经昭然若揭,预示着即将爆发大规模冲突。And the same evening German motorized elements reached the serbian frontiers.同日晚间,德国的摩托化部队进抵塞尔维亚边境。Lower German interest rates will eventually allow European currencies to depreciate against the dollar bloc.德国较低的利率最终将导致欧洲货币对美元集团货币的贬值。German and English are kindred languages.德语和英语是同源语言。I'm afraid German beer isn't for me.恐怕我喝不了德国啤酒。Many people in this area are descendants of German immigrants.这个地区许多人都是德国移民的后裔。Konrad was getting the razz in school about being German.康拉德在求学时因自己是个德国人而不断受到嘲弄。German authorities arrested the author of the computer virus.德国当局逮捕了电脑病毒的始作俑者。I can speak German but we speak English most of the time.我会说德语,但我们大多数时候说英语。The German Chancellor and the French President have come out in favour of direct financial aid.德国总理和法国总统已经宣布支持直接的财政援助。We think lower German interest rates in due course will allow European currencies to depreciate against the dollar bloc.我们认为较低的德国利率到时候将容许欧洲货币相对于美元集团货币发生贬值。She reinvented her own life story, skipping over the war years when she had a German lover.她重新杜撰了自己的生平,略掉了在战争年代有过一个德国情人的经历。She got a good report from her German mistress.她的德语女教师给了她很好的成绩。




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