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例句 The doctor will be here soon. In the meantime, try and relax.医生很快就来,现在尽量放松一下。I'll try and make time to deal with it next week.我下周会尽量腾出时间来处理此事。I saw the police using tear gas to try and break up a crowd of demonstrators.我看见警察正试图用催泪弹驱散一群示威者。Let's try and head them off before they cross the bridge.我们争取在他们过桥之前拦住他们吧。She's lost the will to try and change things.她已经失去了尝试和变革的决心。She needs to try and control her natural exuberance.她需要尽力控制自己天生的旺盛精力。You can lose your perspective. You know, get paranoid? Well, that's something I really try and avoid.你会失去自己的判断力。知道吗,就是变得疑神疑鬼?这正是我努力想避免的。I'll try and read this, but the handwriting's pretty unclear.我会试着读一读的,可字迹非常模糊。They will faithfully try and execute the orders of their civilian leaders.他们会坚定地执行平民领袖的命令。People were standing on tiptoe to try and see what was happening.人们踮起脚尖想看看发生了什么事情。I decided to go for a run to try and burn off a few calories.我决定去跑跑步,消耗一点热量。She's gone on holiday with her husband to try and patch up their marriage.她和丈夫外出度假,试图修补他们的婚姻。I'll try and work it so we can leave early today.我会尽力安排好,这样我们今天就可以早点走了。The idea is to try and avoid further expense.其用意是设法避免更多的开支。After the divorce, I badly needed some breathing space to try and rebuild my life.离婚后,我急需一点喘息的时间来重建自己的生活。We try and provide a very homely atmosphere.我们试图营造一种非常舒适放松的气氛。Could you try and make yourself a little more presentable?你能试着打扮打扮,让自己更像样点儿吗?She told herself that she must try and learn from his criticism, rather than wallowing in self-pity.她告诉自己必须从他的批评中吸取教训,不要自叹自怜。He shook her arm to try and wake her.他摇晃她的胳膊,想把她叫醒。I'm going to get my head down and try and finish this report before I go home today.我将全力以赴,争取在今天回家前完成这份报告。He will act as a go-between to try and work out an agenda.他会从中协调以便拟定议程表。We have to try and get in without drawing attention to ourselves.我们得想办法神不知、鬼不觉地溜进去。Watch him very carefully - he might try and give us the slip.要密切注意他—他可能想甩掉我们。You have to try and win every race.你必须努力赢得每场比赛。They've done nothing at all to try and put the problem right.他们根本没有采取任何行动去解决这个问题。I'll try and get the housing department to bend the rules for us.我去试试让房屋署给我们通融一下。I think we should try and keep our arrangements fluid at this stage.我觉得在这一阶段我们应该尽力保持我们安排的灵活性。Just hang on as best you can and I'll try and get some help.你尽量抓牢,我去叫人来帮忙。I decided to take a week's holiday to try and sort myself out.我决定去度假一周,尽量去解决自己的个人问题。We threw water in his face to try and bring him round.我们用水浇他的脸,想使他恢复知觉。I'll try and rake out something for you to wear.我尽量找些东西给你穿。Sandra immersed herself in work to try and forget her problems at home.桑德拉使自己专心于工作,试图忘掉家中的问题。When someone's in trouble it's natural to try and help them.当有人陷于困境时,自然要设法去帮助他们。Could you try and describe the man you saw?你能试着描述一下你看见的那个人的样子吗?He was desperate to try and recoup his losses.他不顾一切地想要挽回他的损失。He was trying to say something and I leaned down close to try and hear what it was but it just turned into a death rattle.他想要说些什么,我俯下身贴近他,努力想听清他说的话,但只听到他喉头发出的声响。The decision has been made to move UN troops in to try and stop the fighting.已决定派遣联合国部队进驻该地区以制止这场冲突。Do we try and prevent problems or do we try and pick up the pieces afterwards?.我们是想要防患未然呢,还是想要事后收拾残局?I've always understood one should try and be considerate of other people.我一直认为一个人应该尽量为他人着想。Touch up the paint before you try and sell the house.在卖出之前,先给房子补补油漆。




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